voipabbr. 網絡語音電話業務(Voice over Internet Phone);互聯網協議電話(Voice over Internet Portocol)
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol;Voice over Internet Protocol;voice over internet protocol;網絡電話;VOIP Gateway 網路電話閘道器;語音網關;閘道器;語音閘道器;voip gataway 因特網語音網關;MOSA VOIP 專業提供網絡電話系統;VoIP Router 定路由器;
1.As the VOIP phenomenon spreads, visions of its success will continue to grow. 隨著VOIP現象的擴散,有關其成功的看法也將繼續增強。
2.VOIP promises to ease network management and decrease costs by converging a company's telephony and data infrastructures into one network. VOIP允諾通過把公司的電話和數據基礎設施合併成一個網絡來簡化管理和降低成本。
3.The hardware circuit of a VOIP voice terminal was designed, and several critical technologies in the implementation of circuit were analyzed emphatically. 本文設計了一個VOIP語音終端的硬件電路,井對電路實現中的幾個關鍵技術進行了重點分析。