





into['intu:, -tu, -tə]prep. 到…裡;深入…之中;成為…狀況;進入到…之內


into 到…裡;向內、進入;向……裡;溢出中斷;go into 進入;研究,調查;調查;開始從事;look into 調查;調查,觀察;觀察;窺視;Paste Into 粘貼入;貼入;粘貼入命令;粘貼到;turn into 變成;使變成,使成為;進入;把...變成...,把...翻譯成...;

into的參考例句 back into a parked car 後退時與一輛停著的車相碰

2.I would toss them into the sea. 我會把它們統統地扔進大海。

3.He moved into this house in April. 他是四月份搬進這所房子的。


I heard that some tours actually go down into the canyon. Is that true? - 我聽說有的旅遊團真正下到峽谷裡去了。那是真的嗎?

And tell them you want to go on the tour that goes down into the canyon. - 跟他們說你要參加到峽谷裡去的旅遊團。

I plan to leave the present job in order to be able to get into the advertising business. - 我想離開目前的工作是為了進入廣告業務以尋求發展。

And then branched out into other sports products. - 然後逐漸擴展出其他的運動產品。

But your price is still on the high side even if taking quality into consideration. - 就算考慮質量上的因素,你們的價格還是高。

Is it possible for you to go into it in more details? - 能否解釋得更詳細一點?

Could you put that into more specific terms? - 您能不能說得明確一點?

I'm really into watching movies. - 我特別喜歡看電影。

Then drop it into the water. - 然後把它扔到水 。

What goes into my apple pie besides apples? - 除了蘋果以外 我的派還要放什麼呢?

What's gotten into him? - 他怎麼搞的?

I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule. - 我得在他的工作表上再加第四個手術。

And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule. - 他同意明天把你安排進他的面談名單裡 。

Will you get into the school? - 你會被錄取嗎?

about my not wanting to go into medicine? - 對我不學醫?

I'd like to go into the city and meet you there, - 我想到城裡去看你,

Let's go into the kitchen, - 我們到廚房去,

Now Max has come into everyone's life. - 現在Max走進了每個人的生活裡 。

Richard and I will put them into the envelopes. - 我和Richard把它們放進信封。

Study hard kids, your mother and I want you to get into a good college when the time comes. - 努力學習,孩子們,你們的媽媽和我希望你們能考上名校。

Yes, I do. Change back into your jeans, - 是的, 我想看看。換回你的牛仔褲,

I went into business for myself - 我當初自己開業

was supposed to be made into a community center - 原計劃改成一個社區交誼中心

to transform it into a new community center. - 將它轉變成一個新的社區中心。

We've got a forty-minute drive into the city. - 我們還要開四十分鐘的車到城裡去。

Years of work went into these pictures. - 多年心血換來這些照片。

I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. - 我就帶一些我的攝影到藝廊來。

that he wants to develop it into a magazine concept. - 他想要將它加以發展 使之成為一個雜誌方面的構想。

but where would I fit into the plan? - 但是我在這項計劃中怎麼定位呢

You'd better watch your step or you'll get into trouble again. - 你最好留點兒神, 免得再惹麻煩。

There's still an outside chance that he'll make it into the finals. - 他打入決賽還有一線希望。

Don't go into hysterics. - 不要歇斯底里。

Everything will fall into place. - 事情該怎樣,就會怎樣。

Could you take a monent to freshen up first? you don't want to go into the meeting smelling like that! - 你可不可以先去清醒一會兒?你也不希望帶著這樣的一身氣味去開會吧!

The Sydney Olympics attracted more than one million new travelers into Australia. - 悉尼奧運會吸引了超過一百萬新的旅遊者到澳大利亞。

With a shortage of chromosomes, a developing fetus will likely grow into a child with down syndrome. - 如果缺省染色體,一個處於成長階段的胚胎可能發育成一個具有不良綜合症的小孩。

Take the time to be there for your children and they will grow up into responsible young adults. - 花點時間陪伴你的小孩,他們會成長為有責任心的人。

An oil tanker ran aground and lost about 15,000 gallons of gas into the sea. - 一般油輪擱淺,把 15000 加侖油傾瀉在海裡了。

Many residents choose to put their money into the bank. - 許多人選擇把錢存在銀行。

You can deposit the money into my bank account. - 你可以把錢存進我的銀行賬戶。

The soundtrack from Lord of the Rings has truned into a big hit. - 《指環王》的原聲唱片賣得滿堂紅。

Recomposing and remixing the rhythms of old classic songs into new ones has become a trend in music circles. - 對經典的歌曲進行重新演繹和混音已經成為音樂圈裡的潮流。

Most literary works don't translate well into films. - 很多文學作品演繹成電影都不理想。

You have to appreciate the work that has gone into this piece of art. - 你不得不佩服他為完成這件作品所傾注的心血。

The area of industry you wanted to get into is already at saturation point. - 你想進入的待業已經達到飽和點了。

Your real education doesn't start until you get out into the real world. - 直到你踏入現實社會,你才真正開始學習。

I can see straight into the neighbors'backyard from here. - 從這我可以直接看到鄰居們家的後院。

I can't sing, dance or act, so how can I possibly get into the performing arts? - 我不會唱歌、跳舞,不會演戲,怎麼能進入娛樂界呢?

I could never sneak into the movies, that's just like stealing. - 我不能偷偷溜進電影院,那跟偷東西沒有區別。

What a pleasant surprise running into you. - 碰見你真是太棒了!


fall into a stupor; insensibility; loss of consciousness; unconsciousness - 不省人事

insertion of plolyene into middle ear - 中耳塑料管插入術

fivide something into halves - 分成兩半

fine-hair maring; making herbs into wool - 制絨

make drugs into frostlike powder - 製藥

making drugs into frostlike powder - 制霜

be made into powder ifor oral use - 製成散劑服用

n. monomeric laying into composition - 化合物中單體鋪設

heat transmission; heattransmission; transformed into heat - 化熱

insert a suppository into the rectum - 將栓劑塞入肛內

smash the drug into paste - 把這藥搗爛

radioactive thymidine incorporated into dna - 放射性胸腺嘧啶核甘摻入DNA77

n. normalizing into boiled water - 正火熱水

n. normalizing into boiled water - 沸水中常化

heat-evil gets into the interior; inward tranmission of pathogenic heat; inward transmission of pathogenic heat - 熱邪傳裡

insect getting into the ear - 百蟲入耳

grinding into fine powder - 研成細末

grinding into fine powder; levigation; plverization; pulverization - 研末

ground into powder for use - 研粉備用

drugs are cut into slices - 藥物切成片

plastic implandt into nasal septum - 鼻中隔塑料管植入

metal implant into nasal septum - 鼻中隔金屬管植入


n.直中,直入 - attack straight into

n.製成散劑服用 - be made into powder ifor oral use

n.藥物切成片 - drugs are cut into slices

n.不省人事 - fall into a stupor

n.分成兩半 - fivide something into halves

逃避疾病 - flight into disease

n.研成細末,研末 - grinding into fine powder

n.研粉備用 - ground into powder for use

n.熱邪傳裡 - heat-evil gets into the interior

注入有尾核細胞中 - injection into caudate nucleus

注入胸腔 - injection into chest cavity

n.百蟲入耳 - insect getting into the ear

n.將栓劑塞入肛內 - insert a suppository into the rectum

n.中耳塑料管插入術 - insertion of plolyene into middle ear

n.製藥 - make drugs into frostlike powder

n.制霜 - making drugs into frostlike powder

n.制絨 - making herbs into wool

n.鼻中隔金屬管植入 - metal implant into nasal septum

天然藥材屬 - natural conversion into positive

氧化合物 - oxygen injection into intestin therapy

n.鼻中隔塑料管植入 - plastic implandt into nasal septum

n.放射性胸腺嘧啶核甘摻入DNA77 - radioactive thymidine incorporated into dna

n.把這藥搗爛 - smash the drug into paste

n.化熱 - transformed into heat


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