intoningn. 構成語調v. 吟詠(intone的ing形式)
intoning 構成語調;吟誦;intoning lute 琵琶吟;
1.The Danes introduced oompah bands, much intoning of hymns and a rural Nordic folk habit of singing jolly stories to each other. 丹麥人引進了嗡姆吧聲,一般是詠唱聖歌者和一個愛歌唱高興事兒的北歐農民。
2.The life consciousness by intoning short lives came into being after the old tradition being abandoned by the literary men in late Eastern Han Dynasty. 這種憂歎人生短促的生命意識是在舊有價值被東漢末文人否定的過程中產生的。
3.The Chinese enjoyment of croaking frogs, chirping crickets and intoning cicadas is immeasurably greater than their love of cats and dogs and other animal pets. 中國人在欣賞青蛙的咯咯聲,蟋蟀的唧唧聲和蟬的鳴聲的時候,其樂趣是比他們對貓狗及其他家畜之愛更大的。