LEXIS['leksis]n. 詞彙;詞語
lexis 詞彙層;辭典信息服務系統;詞,詞彙;法律數據庫;grammaticalised lexis 語法化的詞彙;Mead Data Central's LEXIS 米德數據中心的辭典信息系統;米得數據中心的詞典信息系統;qingsheng words in modern chinese lexis 下一篇論文: 現代漢語輕聲詞規範研究;Contrastive Study on Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Lexis 英漢詞彙的文化差異之對比;
1.Note that in discussions of lexis, we normally cite IE roots in thee-grade and without any inflections. 注意在詞彙的談論中,我們通常提及e-等級的IE詞根不帶任何屈折。
2.This is intended to speed up learning in other skill areas by reinforcing and familiarizing students with relevant lexis. 通過用熟悉的詞彙來對學生進行查漏補缺和加強熟練度,在其他技能方面就有意加快學習進程。
3.Ambiguity is caused by many reasons, and this article will summarize and discuss those reasons from the aspects of phonetics, lexis and grammar. 產生歧義現象的原因有很多,本文將從語音、詞彙和句法三方面對這一現象進行歸納和論述。