LGNabbr. 液化天然氣(Liquefied Natural Gas);外側膝狀體(lateral geniculate nucleus)
LGN 外側膝狀體;自然對數;外側膝狀核;lateral geniculate nucleus;LGN LogicGateExpander 邏輯門擴展器;LGN Logical Group Node 邏輯組節點;LGN Logical Group Number 邏輯組編號;LGN Line Gate Number 線路通道編號;
1.Conclusion The relative stability of the total neurons in the LGN of old cats may be significant to maintain visual function in old individuals. 結論在動物個體衰老進程中,外側膝狀體總體神經元保持相對穩定可能對老年個體維持視覺功能具有一定意義;
2.Results The thickness of laminae, the number and the diameter of the total neurons in LGN showed no evident differences between young and old cats(P>0. 05). 結果青年貓及老年貓外側膝狀體各層厚度、神經元數量及胞體直徑無明顯改變(P>0。05);
3.The effect of acetylcholine (ACh) on the low threshold T-type Cal-- conductance of relay cells in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) was studied using in vitre thalamic slices. 在離體貓丘腦腦片上觀察了乙酞膽鹼對外膝體中繼神經元膜的低閉值T-型鈣電導的影響。