resonancesn. 共振態(resonance的複數)
resonances 共振態;共鳴;prominent resonances 顯著共振;fission resonances 分裂共振;neutron resonances 中子共掁;Spurious Resonances 寄生響應;
1.It is very important when doing measurements with this setup that it is seated firmly to avoid resonances. 這是非常重要的測量時做此安裝,這是坐在堅決避免共振。
2.Analogous resonances explain the distribution of material in the asteroid belt, for which the sun plays the role of the planet and Jupiter plays the role of the satellite. 同樣的道理也可以解釋小行星帶物質的分佈狀況,此時行星與衛星的角色就分別由太陽與木星扮演。
3.The predictability provides potentially new means of improving site specificity of MS analysis and new means of assigning NMR resonances for deuterium content analysis in peptides. 這種可預測性提供了可以提高MS分析的位置專屬性和進行肽段氘含量分析NMR譜峰歸屬的新途徑。