stipend['staipend]n. 獎學金;固定薪金;定期津貼;養老金
Stipend 每年發給學生的獎助學金。;薪金;定期生活津貼;薪俸;living stipend 生活費;Request Stipend 願意支付薪金;Food Stipend 伙食費;stipend quota 獎學金金額;
1.Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. 希望能被給予進一步研究的費用。
2.Advocates say one problem is that doctors in rural areas earn very little. Rural medics get an average stipend of $65 a year, leading some to overcharge their patients. 倡導者們說問題之一是邊遠地區的醫生收入微薄,平均年收入只有65美元,這就致使一些醫生對病人亂收費。
3.Advocates say one problem is that doctors in rural areas earn very little. Rural medics get an average stipend of65 dollars a year, leading some to overcharge their patients. 提倡者稱(國的醫療制度)在著一個問題,即鄉村醫生賺得太少。他們平均每年只能得到65美元的薪水,這使得一些人向病人過度收費。