bare-chested 敞胸;Bare-chested Vampires 光胸吸血鬼;
1.A bare-chested man jogs past a more appropriately dressed family in a snow-covered park. 在一處覆蓋了皚皚白雪的公園中,一個赤裸上身的慢跑愛好者從穿著厚厚棉服的一家人旁邊跑過。
2.I went barefoot and bare-chested, dressed in silly-looking shorts, with black stripes across my face. 我光著腳,赤裸著上身,穿著傻乎乎的短褲,臉上畫著黑色條紋。
3.Using a pair of giant clippers, the bare-chested Chinese man lunges into one of many wire cages on a truck and pins down a yelping dog. 一個赤裸著胸膛的中國男人用一對大夾子戳進卡車上很多鐵絲籠中的一個,夾住一隻嗚咽的狗。