





n. escape cock ,escapism ,flight ,leakv. elude ,get away ,get by ,miss


escape[i'skeip]vt. 逃避,避免;被忘掉vi. 逃脫;避開;溜走n. 逃跑;逃亡


Escape 出走;逃生;逃脫;遁世;escape tower 逃逸塔;逃脫塔;應急脫離塔;救生塔;Tahitian Escape 大溪地島嶼;大溪地島嶼壁紙;大溪地島嶼桌布;escape from 逃跑;逃脫;從……逃走;從……逃出;Escape hatch 逃生人孔;逃生艙口;應急出口;逃生出口


1.Two were injured, but he escaped. 兩人受了傷,但他倖免了。

2.It was impossible for the whales to escape. 對於鯨魚來說,逃跑是不可能的。

3.All you have to do is to find out the KEY to escape. 你所要做的就是找到藏在某個饅頭裡的鑰匙然後逃跑。


To escape from the policeman - 從警察手下逃亡

Of young men die many, of old men escape not any. - 年輕人死得不少,而年邁者是在劫難逃。

It threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff managed to escape just in time. - 眼看就要將他團團圍住,但塔捷耶夫還是設法及時逃離了。

Audiences in the second decade of the twentieth century found it pleasant to escape to a time when life, though hard, was relatively simple.We still do; - 生活在20世紀20年代的觀眾認為,逃到一個即使艱苦但比較簡樸的時代中去是件愉快的事,我們今天仍有這種感覺。

To escape from the Earth in a rocket, one must travel at seven miles per second. - 要乘坐一枚火箭飛離地球,火箭的速度要達到每秒7英里,

that if we escape wars, accidents and diseases we shall eventually 'die of old age', - 既使我們能避開戰爭、意外的事故和各種疾病,我們最終也會"老死;

trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion. - 企圖以閒聊和亂竄來擺脫無聊對他們的報復,但這是徒勞的。

It also provides--and some student sociologist might care to base his thesis upon the phenomenon--an escape of another kind. - 學社會學的大學生來露營是另一種形式的擺脫現實,他們的目的很可能是根據觀察到的露營現象去寫論文。

but the means of escape from holiday hell(if the beach proves too crowded, the local weather too inclement) - 而且也是逃離假日地獄(如海灘太擠,當地天氣惡劣)的方便工具,

He tried to escape but was followed and caught. - 他曾經試圖逃跑,但是被人追上來抓住了。

Most of them were able to climb out in time. However four men were not quick enough to escape the flames. - 大部分工人能夠及時逃生。可是有4個工人來不及逃離火場。


junctional escape beat - 交界性逸搏

junctional escape rhythm - 交界性逸搏性心律

ventricular escape rhythm - 室性逸搏性節律

atrial escape rhythm - 房性逸搏性心律

escape rocket - 救生火箭

escape mechanism - 脫逸機制

n. escape peak - 逃逸

n. escape peak - 逃逸峰

n. escape time - 逃逸時間

escape mechanism - 逃避機理

escape behavior - 逃避行為

escape beat - 逸搏

escape capture; escapecapture - 逸搏奪獲

escape beat rhythm - 逸搏心律

n. escape peak - 逸散峰


n.房性逸搏 - atrial escape

n.房性逸搏性心律 - atrial escape rhythm

n.房室結性逸搏 - atrioventri-cular escape

n.房性逸搏 - auricular escape

n.免疫逃逸 - immunologic escape

n.交界性逸搏 - junctional escape beat

n.交界性逸搏性心律 - junctional escape rhythm

n.房室結性期外收縮,房室結性逸搏 - nodal escape

竇性逸搏 - sinus escape

n.迷走脫逸 - vagal escape

n.室性逸搏,心室脫逸 - ventricular escape

n.室性逸搏性節律 - ventricular escape rhythm


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