living-outn. 住在外面
living-out 住在外面;live out living-out 住在外面;
1.We've got three weeks left to complete six weeks worth of work. Looks like we'll be living on take-out for a while. 我們只剩三個禮拜了,但還有六個禮拜的工作沒有完成,看樣子這一陣子我們得靠吃外賣度日了。
2.A year later, they were still cold and hungry and living in bombed-out cellars—but cheering the airmen who had saved them from starvation and slavery. 一年後,儘管他們依然飢寒交迫,住在遭轟炸後裸露在外的地下室裡,但見到那些令他們免遭奴役,不至餓死的飛行員,便歡呼致意。
3.The whole municipality had over 30, 000 people living in mined-out areas or areas prone to mud and rock flows who were relocated out of the danger zone. 全市共有3萬餘名生活在采空區、強泥石流易發區的農民搬離了危險區。