n. front room ,living room ,parlor ,parlour
living-roomn. 起居室
living-room 住所;in the living-room 在起居室;sitting-room living-room 起居室;Living Room - Home - Interior Design 客廳 - 家裡 - 室內設計;
1.It is now standard practice for mother to keep the children quiet by putting them in the living-room and turning on the set. 將小孩放在臥室裡打開電視讓他們安靜的看電視,不管是什麼垃圾商業片或是暴力片,只要小孩安靜就好。
2.ON A CLEAR DAY: The double-pane glass in most living-room windows transmits only 70 percent of the sun's light (even when clean). 天清氣朗:一般客廳落地窗使用的雙層玻璃只能讓70%陽光通過(即使在乾淨狀況下)。
3.One day shortly after my wife and I were married, we set about picking new living-room wallpaper from a book of samples. My taste and hers were at odds. 我和妻子結婚不久後的一天,我們開始從一本樣本冊上精選新客廳的壁紙,我和她的品味不一致。