





n. health check ,medical checkup ,medical exam ,medical examinationa. aesculapian


a. operative ,surgical


medical['medikəl]adj. 醫學的;藥的;內科的n. 醫生;體格檢查


medical science 醫學;醫學科學;醫科學專攻;醫學來源:考試大;Registry Medical 註冊表醫生;表醫生;medical department 內科;醫務科;醫務處;醫務部;Medical Terminology 醫學名詞;中英對照看病就診名詞, 可能有一天會有用的 醫學名詞;常用醫學名詞:;下一篇:常用醫學名詞:;medical device 醫療設備;醫療器材;人體醫療配件;醫療衛生器材;


1.Four doctors are at a medical conference. 四個醫生在開一個醫療會議。

2.Sometimes, surgery is not the only answer to a medical problem. 有時候,外科治療並非是醫學問題的唯一答案。

3.I must do more to help change the whole society so that all the people could get medical service. 我必須做更多的工作來幫助改變這整個的社會使全體人民都能享受醫療照顧。


Bring a blanket and my medical bag. - 拿一條毯子和我的醫療箱來。

He graduated from medical school in 1960 - 他在一九六零年從醫學院畢業,

You couldn't pick a finer medical school than Michigan. - 你再也找不到一所比Michigan大學更好的醫學院了?

Great medical school, too. - 而且有很好的醫學院。

and Philip was opening his first medical office. - 而Philip則第一次開診所。

Drug dependence should be looked at as a medical issue, not a criminal one. - 毒品信賴應該被看成是醫學問題,而不是犯罪問題。

She took a medical course. - 她選讀醫學課程。

Have you ever thought about a career in the medical profession? - 你曾經在醫藥專業考慮職業嗎?

I know the boy whose father is a medical doctor. - 我知道那個男孩的父親是醫師。

And now medical care helps to keep people alive longer. - 現在的醫療保健使得人們活得更長。

Recently the New York Animal Medical Center made a study of 132 cats over a period of five months. - 最近,紐約動物醫療中心對132隻貓進行了為期5個月的綜合研究。

You forget that I was a medical student once upon a time.' - 你忘了我以前是學醫的了。」

The Americans would happily reach one accord on standards for medical devices and them hammer out different pacts covering,say, - 美國人很願意就醫療器械的標準達成一個協議,然後推敲出不同的合同,用以涵蓋 --比如說

The majority of thepatients attending the medical out-patients departments of our hospitals - 在醫院門診部看病的大多數人

and since most medical men in the Health Services are overworked and have little time for offering time-consuming and little-appreciated advice on such subjects as diet, - 因為衛生部門的大多數醫生都超負荷工作,所以沒有多少時間提出一些既費時而又不受人歡迎的忠告,如注意飲食、

History does not relate whether his friend accepted his medical help, but in all probability he did. - 他的朋友是否接受了他的藥物治療,歷史沒有記載,但很可能是接受了。

Alcohol may be a medical disinfectant, but should not be relied upon to sterilize water. - 酒精可能是醫學上的消毒劑,但決不可用來消毒飲用水。

Mary and lizzy are organizing a large medical conference. - 瑪麗和莉齊正在組織一個大型的醫學會議。


superior medical worker - 上工

an inexperienced healer; an inferior medical worder; an inferior medical worker - 下工

world medical association - 世界醫學協會

world medical journal - 世界醫學雜誌

chinese medical journal - 中華醫學雜誌

chinese acakemy of medical sciences - 中國醫學科學院

chinese medical team - 中國醫療隊

enjoy free medical care - 享受公費醫療

the peoples medical publishing house - 人民衛生出版社

medical certificate; medicalcertificate - 體檢證

medical supervision of physical training - 體育醫學監督

medical kit; nurse and health keepers visiting bag - 保健箱

free medical care; free medical service - 免費醫療

public medical care; socialized medicine; state medicine - 公費醫療制度

medical clinic - 內科臨床講解

basis of internal medicine; medical jaundice - 內科學

medical treatment - 內科療法

a medical case; medical patient - 內科病人

medical case - 內科病例

medical ward - 內科病室

internal pathology; medical pathology - 內科病理學

medical diagnosis - 內科診斷

medical indication - 內科適應症

medical diathermy - 內科透熱法

medical clinic - 內科門診部

medical corps - 軍醫部

medical kit for home visit - 出診箱

wellcome historical medical library wellcome - 歷史醫學圖書館

medical administration; medical affairs - 醫務

medical personnel; medical staff - 醫務人員

medical worker - 醫務工作者

medical control; medical supervision - 醫務監督

department of medical administration - 醫務部

head of the department of medical administration - 醫務部主任

medical assistant - 醫助

medical order - 醫囑

medical assistant - 醫士

medical assistants school - 醫士學校

medical board - 醫委會

medical specialty - 醫學專業

medical expert - 醫學專家

medical academy - 醫學專科院校

medical ethics - 醫學倫理學

medical protozoology - 醫學原生動物學

medical protozoon - 醫學原蟲

referring medical center - 醫學咨詢中心

medical geography - 醫學地理

medical treatment - 醫學處理

medical pqrasitology - 醫學寄生蟲學

medical engineering - 醫學工程


n.內科病人 - a medical case

n.看護 - a medical orderly

n.湯頭 - a prescription for a medical decoction

n.醫學科學院 - academy of medical sciences

高度先進醫療技術 - advanced medical technology

全醫藥品 - all medical supplies

美國醫學協會 - American Medical Assoc.

美國醫療 - American Medical Intern. Inc.

n.下工 - an inferior medical worder

n.下工 - an inferior medical worker

軍隊醫學3法,AMS3法 - army medical school 3 method

n.太醫丞 - assistant officer of imperial medical affairs

n.航天員醫務監督 - astronaut medical supervision

n.航空體檢醫生 - aviation medical examiner

英國醫學協會 - British Medical Assoc.

高度先進醫療實施中心 - center for highly advanced medical treatment

n.中國醫學科學院 - chinese acakemy of medical sciences

中醫治療 - Chinese medical daalectic

n.中華醫學雜誌 - chinese medical journal

n.中國醫療隊 - chinese medical team

中醫檢查 - Chinese medical test

軍屬健康醫療計劃 - Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services

綜合醫療 - comprehensive medical care

n.合作醫療 - cooperative medical service

n.合作醫療站 - cooperative medical station

n.醫務部 - department of medical administration

病案室 - department of medical record

藥事法 - Drugs,Cosmetics and Medical Instruments Act

急救用藥品 - emergency medical kit

急救醫療服務 - emergency medical service

急救醫療系統 - emergency medical system

急救醫療技術 - emergency medical technician

n.享受公費醫療 - enjoy free medical care

入局 - entering medical station as doctor

n.實驗醫學研究所 - experimental medical institue

初診斷 - fee for first medical examination

診察費 - fee for medical examination

救急體子 - first-aid medical system

高額醫療費金融系統 - financing system of large medical cost on health insurance

n.免費醫療 - free medical care

n.免費醫療 - free medical service

施療 - free medical treatment

n.監察醫制度 - general medical council system

n.醫藥常識 - general medical knowledge

青光眼藥物療法 - glaucoma medical therapy

治療指南 - guide to medical care

胸腔 - head of medical office

n.醫務部主任 - head of the department of medical administration

n.藥膏 - herb paste or medical ointment

高先進的醫學處理 - highly advanced medical treatment


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