toted[təut]vt. 手提;攜帶;背負;合計n. 手提;負擔;總數;裝載;拖
1.Clarissa was the one who toted him to the tor and stayed up with him when he had a rough night. 是克拉麗莎帶他去看醫生,當他晚上難以入眠時陪在他身邊。
2.But the electoral command centre, where all results were being toted up, has been dismantled and ballot boxes taken away. 在選舉指揮中心選票得以統計,但是這個選舉中心已經被廢除掉了,選票箱也被拿走了。
3.We toted up our bank accounts and taxable-account investments. We trimmed the value of retirement accounts to reflect the embedded tax bill. 我們把銀行存款和應稅帳戶進行的投資累加起來,並從退休金帳戶中減去稅款。