





n. compliments ,indirect request ,want ,wishingv. bid ,care ,will ,wish well


v. begrudge ,resent


wish[wiʃ]n. 希望;祝福;心願vt. 祝願;渴望;向…致問候語vi. 願望;需要


wish 願,希望;希望;願望;菊地和子;wish for 慾望,願望;盼望,希望,想要;期望得到;欲得到、願得到;death wish 求死願望;猛龍怪客;死亡之願;猛龍怪客全集;You wish 夢想成真;速度金屬;你想的美;你別做夢了:;BEST WISH 美好祝願;


1.He said I could try it again if I wished. 他說如果我願意的話可以再試一次。

2.Her wish is to become an artist. 她的願望是成為一名藝術家。

3.Fish: What is her wish, my friend? 金魚:是什麼願望啊,我的朋友?


Hello, I wish to speak to Xiao Fu. - 喂,我想和小付通話。

If you can confirm that you wish to proceed with a distributorship of our company, - 假如你能肯定你們願意同我公司建立銷售關係,

I wish I had her energy. - 我希望我有她那樣的精力。

Hello, ... speaking. Who do you wish to speak to? - 喂, 我是……你想找誰?

I wish I could beat this summer heat. - 我真受不了夏日的酷暑。

I wish the weather was like this all year. - 我希望整年都是這樣的天氣。

I wish I had the recipe. - 我真希望我有份菜譜。

I wish Michelle and her friends would get here. - 我希望 Michelle和她的朋友很快就到這 。

I wish I could go there with you, Grandpa. - 我真希望我能夠跟你一起去, 爺爺。

If you wish to enter you'll first need gh show return dicket. - 如果你想進入的話,首先出示你的雙程票。

English is important for those who wish to do international trade. - 英語對於那些想做國際貿易的人來說太重要了。

I wish Robbie and Alexandra had come to this meeting. - 我真希望Robbie和Alexandra已經來參加開會。

I wish I had one now. - 我真希望現在就來一個。

I wish he felt better. - 我真希望他現在好一點。

I wish we had brought Michelle, Harry. - 我真希望我們帶了Michelle來, Harry。

I wish we had brought Max. - 我也希望帶了Max來。

I wish she were here with us to enjoy the country. - 我真希望現在她就和我們在一起享受這鄉村美景。

I do wish you wouldn't do that. - 我希望你別那麼做。

I wish you'd stop nagging me. - 我希望你別老這麼煩我。

I wish I had said that. - 真希望那句話是我先說的。

I wish I had your will power. - 但願我有你的意志力。

I wish I could. - 我希望我行。

I agree. I wish it were cheaper. - 是這肅,我真希望它能便宜點。

I agree. I wish it were better. - 我也覺得是,希望會好起來。

I agree. I wish they were simpler. - 我覺得也是,希望能簡單些。

I agree. I wish it were quicker. - 是這樣,我希望它能快一點。

But, at the same time, they wish he weren't going so far away. - 但同時,他們希望他不要離得這麼遠。

I wish you the best of luck in your new venture. - 我祝你們的新事業好運。

I wish to express my gratitude to you for your cooperation. - 我要對你的合作表達感激之意。

I left very early last night, but I wish I hadn't left so early. - 我昨晚離開得非常早,但我希望我沒有離開那麼早。[大學英語六級]

I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I had read the book from which it was made. - 電影不錯,我希望我讀過原著。[wish + 主語 = 過去完成時 = 願望之事在wish以前發生。]

How I wish the vacation would last longer! - 如果假期長一點那該多好。

I wish you to be more careful. - 我希望你更謹慎。

Jean was outspoken about her wish to be married. - 瓊毫不隱諱她意欲結婚的願望。

I wish you would give me a more detailed description of your trip. - 我希望你將給我更詳細地描述你的旅行。

I wish I were running across an open field. - 我真希望在原野奔跑。

I wish you had called me back the next day,as I had asked you to. - 我希望你明天打電話給了我回來,正如我要你做的。

If you don't like it ,I wish you would say so. - 如果你不喜歡,我想要你這樣說。

I wish I could repay you somehow for your kindness. - 我希望我能報答你你的善意。

We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here. - 我們真誠地希望你們在這裡過得愉快。

Hello. I wish to speak to Mr.Chen? - 喂,我想和陳先生講話。

Oh! I'm sorry. I wish you could stay. - 哦,真遺憾,要是你能多呆一會兒該多好。

I wish I could, but it's already late. - 我是想多呆一會兒,但是時間已經很晚了。

I wish you wouldn't play the TV so loud. - 希望你不要把電視機開得這麼響。

I wish it would stay this way for the weekend. - 但願整個週末都能保持這樣的好天氣。

I wish I could find one just like it. - 要是我也能碰到這樣一件就好了。

I wish you wouldn't go this way. - 我希望你不必落得這樣的下場。

I'm not rich. I wish I didn't have to pay the fine. - 我不是富有人家,但願不必交罰款。

I wish I had half the money he does. - 但願我有他一半的錢。

I wish we had a baby. - 我希望我們有個小寶寶。


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