





n. accretion ,accrual ,aggregation ,collection


accumulation[ə,kju:mju'leiʃən]n. 積聚,累積;堆積物


Accumulation 累積;積累,累積;積蓄;累積,累計;gas accumulation 瓦斯聚集;天然氣聚集;氣藏;氣體聚集;data accumulation 數據積累;釋義:數據積累,數據累積;數據累積,數據累積;oil accumulation 石油積聚;油池;油藏;油形成;accumulation account 累積帳戶;累計帳戶;累計賬戶;累積帳款;


1.Accumulation of years of history, deep culture. 千年歷史積澱,文化底蘊深厚。

2.Precipitation, refining, accumulation of sublimation. 沉澱,提煉,積累,昇華。

3.But this balance has been achieved by an accumulation of many fears which cannot be balanced, so we will probably always live in fear. 但由於這種平衡,是因許許多多次不能平衡的恐怖事件造成的,所以我們或許還將經常地經歷恐懼。


Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, it has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge. - 雖然人類有智力和道德上沒有得到普遍提高,但在知識積累方面卻取得了巨大的進步。


accumulation of fluid in the lower warmer - 下焦蓄水

five kinds of accumulation in the abdomen - 五極

five kinds of accumulation in the abdomen - 五積

febrile disease with accumulation of blood - 傷寒蓄血證

large accumulation of phlegm-heat in the chest; large accumulation of phlegmheat in the chest - 大結胸

accumulation of pathogenic cold - 寒凝

accumulation of cold in the liver channel - 寒滯肝脈

accumulation of cold-evil - 寒積

abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold; abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold evil - 寒積腹痛

accumulation of phlegm-heat in the chest - 小結胸

dispersing accumulation of pathogen; dispersing taccumulation of pathogen; dissolving lumps; expel stagnatin; reducing the stagnation; resolue masses - 散結

hiccup due to the accumulation of phlegm - 普呃

accumulation of heat in the chest; accumulationofheatinthechest - 氣實結胸

accumulation of fluid in the chest - 水結胸

accumulation of damp-heat in the body; retention of damp-heat in the interior - 濕熱內蘊

accumulation of heat in the chest; accumulationofheatinthechest - 熱結胸

Evil heat is accumulated in the bladder; accumulation of heat in the urinary bladder; evil heat accumulated in the bladder - 熱結膀胱

accumulation of heat in the interior - 熱邪內結

hiccup due to accumulation of phlegm - 痰呃

hiccup due to the accumulation of phlegm; vomiting due to accumulation of phlegm - 痰嘔

emission due to accumulation of phlegm; emission due to accumulation ofphlegm - 痰壅遺精

accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the lung; accumulation of phlegmdampness in the lung - 痰濕阻肺

accumulation of phlegm and heat in the lung - 痰熱阻肺

scrofula due to accumulation of phlegm - 痰癘

fulness sensation due to accumulation of phlegm - 痰痞

epilepsy due to accumulation of phlegm; epilepsy due to the accumulation of phlegm - 痰癇

accujulation of phlegm in hypochondrium; accumulation of phlegm in hypochondrium - 痰癖

constipation due to accumulation ofphlegm; constipation due to the accumulation of phlegm - 痰秘

accumulation of phlegm - 痰積

vomiting due to accumulation of phlegm - 痰積嘔吐

accumulation hypothesis - 積累假說

accumulation curve - 累積曲線

accumulation gradient; accumulationgradient - 累積曲線的斜度

accumulation gradient; accumulationgradient - 累積梯度

accumulation of heat in the chest; accumulation of pathogens in chest; accumulationofheatinthechest; locked chest - 結胸

accumulation of pathogens in yin channels - 結陰

accumulation of yin cold in viscera - 髒結

lipid accumulation index - 脂類聚集指數

accumulation test - 蓄積試驗

febrile disease with accumulation of blood; syndrome of blood retention - 蓄血

jaundice due to accumulation of stagnant blood - 蓄血發黃

accumulation of extravasted blood - 血積

accumulation of severe pathogenic cold - 陰寒積聚


n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold

n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold evil

n.生物濃集 - biological accumulation

n.痰秘 - constipation due to accumulation ofphlegm

n.痰秘 - constipation due to the accumulation of phlegm

n.數據積累,數據累積 - data accumulation

n.散結 - dispersing accumulation of pathogen

n.痰壅遺精 - emission due to accumulation of phlegm

n.痰壅遺精 - emission due to accumulation ofphlegm

n.痰癇 - epilepsy due to accumulation of phlegm

n.痰癇 - epilepsy due to the accumulation of phlegm

家族集聚 - familial accumulation

體脂肪蓄積 - fat accumulation

n.傷寒蓄血證,蓄血 - febrile disease with accumulation of blood

液體累積比,FA比 - fluid accumulation ratio

n.五積,五極 - five kinds of accumulation in the abdomen

n.機能蓄積 - functional accumulation

n.痰痞 - fulness sensation due to accumulation of phlegm

生熱性,積熱 - heat accumulation

n.痰呃 - hiccup due to accumulation of phlegm

n.普呃,痰嘔 - hiccup due to the accumulation of phlegm

n.蓄血發黃 - jaundice due to accumulation of stagnant blood

腎積聚舉例 - kidney accumulation example

n.大結胸 - large accumulation of phlegm-heat in the chest

n.大結胸 - large accumulation of phlegmheat in the chest

n.脂類聚集指數 - lipid accumulation index

n.物質蓄積 - material accumulation

n.蓄積率 - rate of accumulation

n.痰癘 - scrofula due to accumulation of phlegm

n.痰積嘔吐,痰嘔 - vomiting due to accumulation of phlegm

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