soft-shell['sɔftʃel, 'sɔ:-]adj. 有軟殼的;心慈手軟的n. 軟殼動物;殼尚未變硬的蟹
soft-shell 軟殼動物;軟殼的;Soft-shell turtle 甲魚,鱉,水魚,團魚,王八;軟殼龜;Braised soft-shell 燒元魚;Soft-Shell Crab 炸軟殼蟹;Soft-shell Crab Burger 軟殼蟹三明治;
1.Rinse the soft-shell crab, chop into 4 to 6 pieces. 軟殼蟹洗淨,切成四至六件。
2.Sprinkle cornflour on the soft-shell crab pieces. Heat oil in wok and deep fry the soft-shell crab until golden brown. Remove. 灑上生粉,鑊中燒熱油,放入軟殼蟹炸至金黃色,盛起。
3.Earlier this year, scientists concluded that she was the planet's last known female Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle. She is about 80 years old and weighs almost 90 pounds. 科學家下了結論說這只揚子巨龜是地球上唯一的一隻母龜了。已經80歲了。