





betray give away peach against sell sell out trade out 出賣;sell out sell up 賣完;betray give away peach against sell sell out trade out 出賣;betray give away peach against sell sell out trade out 出賣;distribute sell sell on commission 經銷;


1.For example you can sell you power to be a foot stevedore you can also sell your ability to be a Doctor, but you can't sell your sex ability to be a quean because it is lawless. 比如你可以出賣勞力擔任腳夫,你可以出賣智力當教授,但如果你出賣性能力從事賣淫,那就被視為犯罪。

2.I sound out to get involved thus a complex environment:Soft the floor that sink, soft the mire wall that sink, soft the ages that sink. 我試探著介入這樣一個錯綜複雜的環境:軟陷的地板,軟陷的泥牆,軟陷的時代。

3.mixes sexual soft chancre, soft chancre affected syphilis helicoid at the same time, the symptom that is soft chancre rises first, appear gradually via 3 weeks or so the symptom of hard chancre. 混合性軟下疳,軟下疳同時感染了梅毒螺旋體,初起為軟下疳的症狀,經3周左右漸出現硬下疳的症狀。

4.The mammary gland soft X photography by the molybdenum and so on took X ray tube the anode target surface, its launch beam is soft beam, is suitable to the soft tissue photography. 乳腺軟X線攝影以鉬等作為X射線管的陽極靶面,其發射的射線屬軟射線,適宜於軟組織攝影。

5.The quality condition of soft water of blast furnace cooling system in China was analysed. The corrosion test of soft water shows that the sampled soft water has medium corrosive power. 取樣分析了我國高爐冷卻系統軟水的質量現狀,通過水質腐蝕性能測試得出,取樣水質均為中等腐蝕型。

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