voe[vəu]n. (設得蘭群島和奧尼克群島)小海灣
Sullom Voe 薩洛姆灣;薩洛姆灣(英國);armlet voe 小海灣;Kathie De Voe 德沃;
1.Now, VOC Six Sigma is only several "voice" one, it also includes a voice of experience sound or employees (VOE) and the voice of the market (VOM). 如今,VOC僅是六西格瑪幾種「聲音」之一,它還包括有體驗聲音或僱員聲音(VOE)及市場聲音(VOM)。
2.Good evening, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Charm of Morning Dew, a celebration of VOE's First Poetry Agon! I am your hostess, Rhapsodia. 女士們,先生們,親愛的朋友們,晚上好!我是在線主持托尼。烈歡迎您來到晨露的風采,慶祝VOE第一屆詩歌創作比賽晚會現場。
3.This shot was taken at Voe Agricultural Show, Shetland Isles. A very handsome specimen, but it was completely nonplussed about the prospects of winning a trophy! 這張照片拍攝於設得蘭群島的沃村農業展。一頭非常英俊的樣牛,但它對於獲獎完全無動於衷。