n. articulation ,interpreter ,part ,phonationv. sound ,vocalise ,vocalize
v. devoice
voice[vɔis]n. 聲音;嗓音;發言權;願望vt. 表達;吐露
Voice 語音;語言,人聲,音頻;語態;聲部;voice prompt 語音提示;聲音提示;語音回饋;話音提示;voice mail 語音信箱;語音郵件;聲音郵遞;語音留言;VO voice 語言,音頻;語言,音頻;voice coil 音圈;音 圈;發聲線圈;釋義:音圈;
1.They voiced their approval of the plan. 他們對這項計劃表示贊成。
2.I hear you voice on the line. 我聽到你的聲音,斷腸崖在線。
3.The voice of the caller alerted her. 呼喚者的聲音使她警覺起來。
Can I leave him a voice in mail? - 我可以在他的語音信箱裡留話嗎?
If anyone has any objections, now is the time to voice them. - 如果有人反對,現在就可以說出來。
Pay more attention to the voice of youth. - 多留意年輕人的意見。
The voice is not distinct. - 聲音不清楚。
The voice is the best music. - 說話聲是最好的音樂。
The voice of one man is the voice of no one. - 一個人的聲音是沒有力量的。
The voice of the people is the voice of God. - 人民之聲力大無比。
Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them. - 突然他們聽到身後有聲音。
I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates. - 我用兩個沾滿麵糊的手指捏起了話筒。當聽出是海倫。貝茨的聲音時,非常喪氣。
'To end our special news bulletin,' said the voice of the television announcer, 'we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria. - 「作為我們專題新聞節目的結尾,」電視廣播員說,「我們現在到克拉布利亞的通心粉田里。
I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, - 當我幾乎到了窗口,這時下面一個諷刺的聲音說,
There was a note of triumph in my voice when I told him that it was there in black and white. - 我帶著一種勝利者的調子告訴他那趟車白紙黑字。明明白白印在時刻表上。
and we have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery of echo-location in bats to see a case in which the voice plays a strictly utilitarian role. - 我們只要看一看蝙蝠回聲定位這一極不尋常的發現,就可以探究一下聲音在什麼情況下有絕對的實用價值。
voice tube - 傳聲管
voice velocity index - 發聲速度指數
voice prints - 聲印
voice disorders - 聲病
low voice speaking; low voice sppeaking - 聲重
low voice speaking - 語聲重濁
voice conduction - 語音傳導
n.言語低怯,聲音低微 - a low voice
空洞語音 - amphoric voice
起聲,聲音攻擊 - attack of voice
聲音分裂 - breaking of voice
n.頰食管語音 - bucco-esophageal voice
聲音改變,變聲 - change of voice
胸語音 - chest voice
無睪樣聲音 - eunuchoid voice
n.食管音 - esophageal voice
n.洪亮的聲音 - full voice
假聲 - head voice
啞聲 - hoarse voice
土壤微生物,沙啞的聲音 - husky voice
n.嗓子 - larynx voice
n.聲重,語聲重濁 - low voice speaking
n.聲重 - low voice sppeaking
咽音 - pharyngeal voice
音域 - range of voice
n.暴喑 - sudden loss of voice
n.耳語音 - whispered voice
耳語聲檢查 - whispered voice test
n.耳語音 - whispering voice