lovestruck['lʌvstrʌk]adj. 熱戀中的
lovestruck 熱戀中的;為愛迷惑;強力金屬;My Lovestruck Country 我熱戀的故鄉;to be lovestruck 熱戀;A lovestruck romeo sings a streetsus serenadestreetsus 小夜曲唱了一多情羅密歐;
1.But it's well beyond the reach of the most lovestruck men - 50 light years to be precise. 但是這顆鑽石是絕大多數熱戀中的男人怎麼也夠不著的——精確的說距離有50光年。
2.But it' s well beyond the reach of the most lovestruck men - 50 light years to be precise. 但是這顆鑽石是絕大多數熱戀中的男人怎麼也夠不著的--精確的說距離有50光年。
3.The woman was moved and she suddenly found that her husband was just like a lovestruck springal, standing in the cold wind, anxiously waiting for his lover. 她忽然發現她丈夫就像一個熱戀中的小伙子,佇立在寒風中,焦急地等待著他的情人。