





Low[ləu]adj. 低的,淺的;卑賤的;粗俗的;消沉的adv. 低聲地;謙卑地,低下地n. 低;低價;低點;牛叫聲vi. 牛叫


LOW 低音電平控制;低的;低壓;愛過痛過;low drive 抽低球;Low Mass 誦經彌撒;小彌撒(無燒香、奏樂等);普通彌撒;小彌撒;low temperature 低溫;低溫實驗;低溫低溫;低溫,低溫度;low resolution 低分辨率;低清晰度;低解晰度;低解析度;


1.The plane flew low over the houses. 飛機低低地飛過一棟棟房屋。

2.I was feeling low. 我的感覺是偏低。

3.Low blood pressure, what should anaemia eat? 低血壓,又貧血該吃些什麼呢?


Yeah, just like I certainly did not expect to buy these gifts at such low prices. - 是啊,我怎麼也沒想到買這些禮物才花了這麼點錢。

The price of the car was so low that it made Stone suspicious of the value. - 這輛車的價格如此之低,世通懷疑那車的價值。

I hate them.I'm sure I've got a low mark. - 我討厭法語。我的法語成績肯定很低。

After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, - 起飛之後,我們在城市上空低低地飛行,然後慢慢爬高。

Bruce went into a low gear and drove at a terrifying speed, keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zigzag course. - 布魯斯掛上慢檔,把兩隻前輪分別擱在裂縫的兩邊,順著彎彎曲曲的裂縫,以發瘋的速度向前開去。

We were, however, worried about our nearest neighbors, whose farm was low lying and who were newcomers to the district. - 不過,我們很為我們的近鄰擔心。他們的農場地勢低窪,而且他們又新來乍到。

The administrative overheads of a business are low to the extent that everyone working in the business can be trusted to behave in a way that best promotes the interests of the firm. - 如果企業中的每個人都在真誠地為提高企業利潤而工作,那麼企業的管理費用就會降低到相應的程度。


low triangular flap technic - 下三角瓣手術法

low back pain - 下腰痛

point of low urether - 下輸尿管點

low let radiation - 低LET輻射

low let radiation - 低let輻射

n. low Z material - 低Z材料

low metabolic rate - 低代謝率

low valence - 低價

low forceps delivery - 低位產鉗分娩

low forceps operation - 低位產鉗術

low cervical caesarean section - 低位子宮頸剖腹產

low position intestinal obstruction - 低位小腸梗阻

inferior tracheotomy; low position tracheotomy - 低位氣管切開術

low position tracheoscopy - 低位氣管鏡檢查

low enema - 低位灌腸法

low anal fistuls; low fistula in ano - 低位肛瘺

low intestinal atresia - 低位腸閉鎖

low forceps; outlet forceps - 低位鉗

low forceps - 低位鉗術

hypothermia; low body temperature - 低體溫

low birth weight newborn; small birth weight - 低體重兒

low power - 低倍

low power objective - 低倍接物鏡

low power micrcscope - 低倍顯微鏡

low power ocular - 低倍目鏡

low power condenser - 低倍聚光鏡

low power field - 低倍視野

low power lens - 低倍鏡

high anxiety; highanxiety; low anxiety; low impulsiveness; lowanxiety; lowimpulsiveness - 低衝動

light weight at birth; low birth weight ratio - 低出生體重

dextran; dextran 40; dextran40; low molecular dextran; rheomacrodex - 低分子右旋糖酐

low molecular dextran; rheomacrodex - 低分子葡聚糖

low molecular weight compound - 低分子量化合物

low molecular weight dextran - 低分子量右旋糖酐

low molecular weight urokinase - 低分子量尿激酶

low molecular weight dextran - 低分子量葡聚糖

low dose; lowdose - 低劑量

at low dose rate - 低劑量率的遠距離治療

low dose tolerance - 低劑量耐受性

n. low pressure spraying - 低壓噴射

n. low pressure spraying - 低壓噴塗

low voltage fast ware - 低壓快波

low pressure glaucoma; low-tension glaucoma - 低壓性青光眼

low voltage slow wave - 低壓慢波

n. low pressure organicmetal - 低壓有機金屬

n. low pressure die-casting - 低壓模鑄

n. low pressure turbine disk - 低壓渦輪盤

low pressure liquid chromatography - 低壓液相色譜法

low pressure enema - 低壓灌腸

n. low tension cable - 低壓電纜


n.言語低怯,聲音低微 - a low voice

實用最低限 - as low as practicable

n.可以合理做到的最低水平的原則 - as low as reasonably achiebable principle

n.可以合理做到的最低水平 - as low as reasonably achievable

n.低劑量率的遠距離治療 - at low dose rate

n.低度潛在惡性瘤 - carcinoma of low malignant potential

恆低輻射量暴露面積 - constant low radiation dose exposed area

連續低劑量輻射 - continuous low dose rate irradiation

n.低溫培養箱 - electric ultra low temperature incubator

n.極低頻率 - extremely low frequency

n.高排低阻型休克 - high out put and low resistance shock

n.基思氏低離子飲食 - keiths low ionic diet

異型性低脊痛 - metatypical low back pain

n.密集低小微波 - numerous small and low echoes

n.微邪 - pathogne of low noxiousness

n.微邪 - pathogen of low noxiousness

n.下輸尿管點 - point of low urether

n.台式低中速離心機 - table type low and medium speed centrifuge

n.那個偉人已去世 - The great man is low

n.超精細分辨率低能準直器 - ultra fine resolution low energy collimator

n.超小劑量 - ultra low dose

n.超低溫冰箱 - ultra low temperature freezer

超低量噴霧 - ultra low volume spray

n.極低出生體重 - very low birth wight

n.極低密度 - very low density

n.極低密度脂蛋白 - very low density lipoprotein

n.極低密度脂蛋白 - very low density liporprotein

n.超低頻,甚低頻 - very low frequency

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