n. blood serum
serum['siərəm, 'si:r-]n. 血清;漿液;免疫血清;乳清;[植]樹液
Serum 血清;乳清;精華素;漿液;immune serum 免疫血清;抗血清,免疫血清;pooled serum 混合血清;Serum Gonadotrophin 馬血促性素;serum shock 血清休克;血清性休克;釋義:血清休克,血清性休克;
1.Blood serum is a component of blood without the red blood cells. 血漿指的是血液除去血紅細胞後所剩下的成分。
2.Objective Observation of the serum in patients with chronic liver fibrosis. 目的觀察慢性肝病患者的血清纖維化指標。
3.However, there is no useful serum marker that can predict early emergence of mutants during LAM therapy. 但是,目前尚無有效的血清標誌物能早期預測拉咪夫叮治療中變異的發生。
central serum chorioretinopathy - 中心性漿液性脈絡膜病變
serum gamma globulin of human placenta - 人胎盤血丙種球蛋白
human serium albumin; human serum albumin - 人血清清蛋白
hsa; human serum albumin - 人血清白蛋白
hsa; human serum albumin - 人血白蛋白
serum agglutination test of typhod fever; widals reaction - 傷寒血清凝集試驗
serum tsh concentration determination - 促甲狀腺激素血清濃度測定
immune complex disease; serum sickness - 免疫複合物型血清病
immune serum reaction - 免疫血清反應
immune serum globulin; isg - 免疫血清球蛋白
rabbit serum globulin - 兔血清球蛋白
rabbit serum albumin - 兔血清白蛋白
rabbit serum albumin - 兔血清蛋白
homologous serum hepatitis - 同種血清性肝炎
homologous serum jaundice - 同種血清性黃疸
serum sickness of larynx - 喉血清病
serum prothrombin conversion accelerator - 因子ε
macroaggregated human serum albumin - 大顆粒人血清聚清蛋白
pregnant mare serum gonadotropin - 孕馬血清促性腺激素
serum antidiphthericum siccum - 乾燥白喉血清
serum antitetanicum siccum - 乾燥破傷風血清
total serum prostatic acid phosphatase - 總血清前列腺酸磷酸酶
antihuman serum precipitation method - 抗人血清沉澱素試法
antipneumococcic serum unit - 抗肺炎球菌血清單位
sero fast; serofast; serum fast - 抗血清的
radioiodinated serum albumin - 放射性磺化血清白蛋白
unheated serum reagin test - 未加熱的血清反應素試驗
dubois oleic serum complex - 杜布依氏油酸血清複合物
syphilis serum antibody test - 梅毒血清抗體試驗
serum antidiphthericum liquidum - 液體白喉血清
australia serum hepatitis - 澳大利亞血清肝炎
bovine serum albumin; bsa - 牛血清白蛋白
specific immune serum globulin - 特異性免疫血清球蛋白
glycerol serum medium - 甘油血清培養基
methylated bovine serum albumin - 甲基化牛血清白蛋白
antitetanic serum ats; antitetanicum serum - 破傷風血清
iodinated serum albumin - 碘標記血清清蛋白
iodinated human serum albumin - 磺化人血清白蛋白
simplified trypticase serum medium - 簡易胰蛋白酶血清培養基
serum rheumatoid agglutinator 類風濕凝集素血清 - 類風濕凝集素血清
serum antidiphthericum purificatum - 精製白喉血清
paper electrophoresis of serum protein - 紙上蛋白電泳法
deficient serum restoring factor - 缺陷血清恢復因子
widals serum test; widals test - 肥達氏試驗
picryl-human serum albumin - 苦味素-人血清蛋白複合物
inulin serum culture-medium - 菊糖血清培養基
serum creatinine kinase - 血清肌酐激酶
serum creatinine phosphokinase - 血清肌酐磷酸激酶
serum creatine phosphokinase - 血清肌酸磷酸激酶
serum hepatitis - 血清肝炎
n.血清蛋白異常 - abnormal serum protein
n.抗兔熱病血清,抗網織細胞毒血清 - acs serum
n.酸化血清溶血試驗 - acidified serum lysis test
n.酸化血清試驗 - acidified serum test
n.活性血清 - active serum
n.腎上腺血清 - adrenal serum
n.過敏性血清 - allergenic serum allergic serum
n.介體血清 - amboceptor serum
n.非過敏性血清 - anallergic serum
n.血清性過敏反應 - anaphylactic reaction due to serum
n.對抗血清 - antagonistic serum
n.黃熱病血清,抗黃熱病血清 - anti-amarillic serum
n.抗炭疽血清,炭疽血清 - anti-anthrax serum
n.犬紅細胞免疫血清 - anti-dog-red-cell-immune serum
n.溶上皮素,溶上皮血清 - anti-epithelial serum
n.類丹毒血清 - anti-erysipeloed serum
n.抗類丹毒血清 - anti-erysipeloid serum
n.氣性壞疽血清 - anti-gas-gangrene serum
n.抗人血清 - anti-human serum
n.抗淋感馬血清 - anti-influenza horse serum
n.抗流感血清 - anti-influenza serum
n.抗鉤端螺旋血清 - anti-leptospira serum
抗淋巴細胞血清 - anti-lymphocyte serum
n.抗狂犬病血清 - anti rabies serum
n.抗獮因子血清 - anti-rh serum
n.抗蛇毒血清 - anti-snakebite serum
抗胸腺細胞血清 - anti-thymocyte serum
n.抗相思豆毒血清 - antiabrin serum
抗醛甾酮血精 - antialdosterone serum
n.抗炭疽血清 - antianthrax serum
n.抗菌血清 - antibacterial serum
n.抗芽生菌血清 - antiblastomycetic serum
n.抗具竅蝮蛇毒血清 - antibothropic serum
n.抗肉毒中毒血清,肉毒中毒血清 - antibotulism serum
n.北裡氏血清,霍亂血清 - anticholera serum
n.抗凝固血清 - anticoagulative serum
n.抗大腸菌血清 - anticolibacillary serum
n.抗補體血清 - anticomplementary serum
n.抗響尾蛇毒血清 - anticrotalus serum
n.抗細胞毒血清 - anticytotoxic serum
抗白喉血清 - antidiphtheria serum
n.白喉血清,抗白喉血清 - antidiphtheric serum
n.抗痢疾血清,痢疾血清 - antidysenteric serum
n.抗嗜酸細胞血清 - antieosinophil serum
n.抗酶血清 - antiferment serum
n.布-普二氏血清,抗氣性壞疽血清 - antigas-gangrene serum
n.抗氣性壞疽血清 - antigasgangrene serum
n.抗淋病血清 - antigonorrheal serum
n.抗人球蛋白血清 - antihuman globulin serum
n.抗人淋巴細胞血清 - antihuman-lymphocyte serum