Ter[tə:, tεə]abbr. 領土(territory);梯田(terrace);土地的(territorial)
ter 拉〕三次,三遍。;戰神;泰雷諾語;Total Expense Ratio;lo ter 龍蝦;惡草靈;bli ter 氣泡;La ter 龍蝦;Fo ter 中央廣場;
1.His bad English is a bar to his using new comp Love ter software. 他的英語很差,這是
2.In many signal processing applications using the digital fil-ter alternative filter has many advantages Analog. 在許多信號處理應用中用數字濾波器替代模擬濾波器具有許多優勢。
3.In this paper, the paper authors have developed cut ter magnetic strengthen device through research on magnetic technology. 作者通過對磁處理技術的研究,研製開發出一種便攜式刀具磁處理裝置。
ter leu; teriary leucine - 叔亮氨酸
ter de die; ter die; ter in die; terdedie; tid - 每日三次
fc; ter de die; terdedie - 每日服三次
ter in nocte - 每晚三次
ter die sumendum - 須一日服三鎰