investeen. 投資對象,接受投資者
investee 投資對像;接受投資者;被投資方,被投資人;被投資者;changes in investee equity 接受投資方股本變化;被投資者權益的更改;additional paid-in capital from investee 權益法長期股權投資資本公積;
1.Other equity shall be transferred to the Investee Company by the statutorily prescribed method. 其他股權依照法定方式轉讓給被投資公司。
2.HIC, a value-added partner to our portfolio of companies, provides management and advisory services in respect of hundreds of investee companies. 和通國際公司是集團被投資公司具有附加價值的基金經理人,為數百家被投資公司提供管理和顧問服務。
3.If the investor can exert significant influence over the investee, they should employ the cost method to account for the Long Term Stock Equity Investment. 投資企業能夠對被投資單位實施控制的長期股權投資,採用成本法核算。