





a. connected


associatedadj. 關聯的;聯合的v. 聯繫(associate的過去式和過去分詞)


associated 關聯的;相關的、相關聯的;聯合的;相關聯的;assocd associated 締合的;associated minerals 伴生礦;伴生礦物;associated mineral 伴生礦物;伴生礦物,組合礦物;組合礦物;associated matrix 結合陣;關聯矩陣;相伴矩陣;


1.Cannot specify tables to truncate for this template. There is no database associated with this team solution. 不能為該模板指定要截斷的表。沒有與該小組解決方案關聯的數據庫。

2.BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to identify risk factors associated with survival after pneumonectomy for non-small cell lung cancer. 背景:該研究的目的是鑒別非小細胞肺癌患者全肺切除術治療後與生存率相關的危險因子。

3.Use this page to change the display settings associated with this news item. Click the tabs above to change other settings related to this item. 使用此頁面可更改與此新聞項目關聯的顯示設置。單擊上面的標籤可更改與此項目相關的其他設置。


In many countries, politicians are associated with money and scandals. - 在許多國家,政客與金錢和醜聞分不開。

I'm Clifton, and I've been associated with this project since the beginning. - 我叫克裡夫敦,從一開始我就參與了這項計劃。

The word justice is usually associated with courts of law. - 「正義」這個詞常常是同法庭連在一起的。

This is a pity, because noise abatement really is a good cause.and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be associated with bad science. - 要求減少噪音確實是件好事,但是如果與拙劣的科學摻雜在一起的話,就不會被人們所信任,這是很遺憾的。

A burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables soon confirmed the Challenger's observation that many parts of the ocean were two to three miles deep, - 海洋中很多地方可深達兩三英里,


epidemic hepatitis associated antigen - 傳染性肝炎相關抗原

malignant associated change; malignant associated changes - 伴隨惡性腫瘤的改變

associated movement - 伴隨運動

immune associated antigen - 免疫相關抗原

associated antagonists - 協同對抗肌

pregnancy associated with infectious hepatitis - 妊娠合併傳染性肝炎

pregnancy associated with cardiac disease - 妊娠合併心臟病

pregnancy associated with cardiovascular disease - 妊娠合併心血管病

pregnancy associated with acute appendicitis - 妊娠合併急性闌尾炎

pregnancy associated with diabetes - 妊娠合併糖尿病

pregnancy associated with pulmonary tuberculosis - 妊娠合併肺結核

pregnancy associated with pyelonephritis - 妊娠合併腎盂腎炎

pregnancy associated with blood disease - 妊娠合併血液病

pregnancy associated with appendicitis - 妊娠合併闌尾炎

pregnancy associated with osteomalacia - 妊娠合併骨軟化

pregnancy associated plasma protein-a - 妊娠相關血漿蛋白-A

pregnancy associated plasma protein-a - 妊娠相關血漿蛋白-a

epidemic hepatitis; epidemic hepatitis associated antigen - 流行性肝炎

au haa; auhaa; australia-hepatitis associated antigen - 澳大利亞肝炎相關抗原

leukemia associated antigen; leukemia-associated antigen - 白血病相關抗原

vomiting assocated with menstruation; vomiting associated with menstruation - 經來嘔吐

diarrhea associated with menstruation; diarrhea during menstruation - 經行洩瀉

associated molecule - 締合分子

associated sensory center - 聯合感覺中樞

associated movement - 聯合運動

australia antigen; hepatitis associate antigen; hepatitis associated antigen; hepatitis associatedantigen; hepatitis-associated antigen; hepatitisassociateantigen; hepatitisassociatedantigen - 肝炎相關抗原

tumor associated antigen - 腫瘤相關抗原

tumor associated specific antigen - 腫瘤相關特異性抗原

tumor associated transplantation antigen - 腫瘤相關移植抗原

tumor associated embryo antigen - 腫瘤相關胚胎抗原

gastric cancer associated antigen - 胃癌相關抗原

polyneuritis associated with deficiency states - 營養缺乏性多神經炎

rous associated virus - 魯斯氏相關病毒

the dark of the eye is associated with the liver - 黑睛屬肝


n.澳大利亞肝炎相關抗原 - australia-hepatitis associated antigen

伴格魯布病毒 - croup associated virus

n.經行洩瀉 - diarrhea associated with menstruation

n.傳染性肝炎相關抗原,流行性肝炎 - epidemic hepatitis associated antigen

n.胃癌相關抗原 - gastric cancer associated antigen

n.肝炎相關抗原 - hepatitis associated antigen

n.免疫相關抗原 - immune associated antigen

工傷和因衛生病 - injury and illness associated with working

維生素K缺乏性預內出血 - intracranial hemorrhage associated with vitamin K deficiency

n.白血病相關抗原 - leukemia associated antigen

n.伴隨惡性腫瘤的改變 - malignant associated change

n.伴隨惡性腫瘤的改變 - malignant associated change/changes

n.伴隨惡性腫瘤的改變 - malignant associated changes

核仁附著染色質,核附著染色質 - nucleolus associated chromatin

n.營養缺乏性多神經炎 - polyneuritis associated with deficiency states

n.妊娠相關血漿蛋白-A,妊娠相關血漿蛋白-a - pregnancy associated plasma protein-a

n.妊娠合併急性闌尾炎 - pregnancy associated with acute appendicitis

n.妊娠合併闌尾炎 - pregnancy associated with appendicitis

n.妊娠合併血液病 - pregnancy associated with blood disease

n.妊娠合併心臟病 - pregnancy associated with cardiac disease

n.妊娠合併心血管病 - pregnancy associated with cardiovascular disease

n.妊娠合併糖尿病 - pregnancy associated with diabetes

n.妊娠合併傳染性肝炎 - pregnancy associated with infectious hepatitis

n.妊娠合併骨軟化 - pregnancy associated with osteomalacia

n.妊娠合併肺結核 - pregnancy associated with pulmonary tuberculosis

n.妊娠合併腎盂腎炎 - pregnancy associated with pyelonephritis

n.魯斯氏相關病毒 - rous associated virus

n.黑睛屬肝 - the dark of the eye is associated with the liver

n.腫瘤相關抗原 - tumor associated antigen

n.腫瘤相關胚胎抗原 - tumor associated embryo antigen

n.腫瘤相關特異性抗原 - tumor associated specific antigen

n.腫瘤相關移植抗原 - tumor associated transplantation antigen

n.經來嘔吐 - vomiting associated with menstruation

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