Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 廣島原爆;長崎原爆;廣島市原子彈爆炸;廣島市原子彈爆炸事件;Hiroshima 廣島;廣島 日本 亞洲;廣島縣;廣島;Hiroshima Bank 廣島銀行;Hiroshima prefecture 廣島縣;RJOA HIROSHIMA 廣島機場(日本);
1.What she found was a completely devastated city of Hiroshima, raised to the ground. 她所能找到的廣島只是突起於地面上一個完全摧毀的城市。
2.When Roosevelt dies in 1945, the explosion at Hiroshima has not yet taken place; mankind is still some way from the Atomic Age . 當羅斯福在1945年死去的時候,廣島的原子彈爆炸還沒有發生;人類距離原子時代還有一小段路程。
3.In spite of its Hiroshima-sized blast this week, it has not yet demonstrated it can make a warhead sufficiently small to mount on a long-range missile. 雖然上周的核爆炸威力堪比廣島,但朝鮮還未證明,它有能力製造出足夠小、可以安裝在遠程導彈上的彈頭。
4.I think it is significant that these words were inscribed by the citizens of Hiroshima who suffered the devastating experience. 我認為這些遭受摧毀經驗的廣島市民所刻下的祈禱文對他們來說極具意義深遠。
5.These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on a par with those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 這些具有極強輻射的骨架曾經被發現,跟在廣島和長崎發現的一樣。
血紅蛋白,血紅蛋白Hiroshima - hemoglobin Hiroshima