





n. darkness ,iniquity ,night ,shadowa. benighted ,black ,depressing ,dour


n. day ,daylight ,light ,lightinga. light ,light-colored


dark['dɑ:k]adj. 黑暗的,深色的;模糊的;無知的;憂鬱的n. 黑暗;夜;黃昏;模糊


Dark 暗黑戰士;黑暗;黑暗的;暗黑;Dark Strokes 深色線條;(深色線條)使用短,密的線條繪製圖像中與黑色接近的深色區域,並用長的,白色線條繪畫圖像中較淺的顏色。;黑筆觸;(深色線條)使用短,密的線條繪製圖像中與黑色接近的深色區域,並用長的,白色線條繪畫圖像中較淺的顏色。;Dark Matter 暗物質;黑暗物質;暗物質空間;黑暗殺手;Dark Sector 黑暗地帶;暗黑地帶;暗之領域;黑暗戰區;dark color 暗色;暗色 暗色;深色;暗色[色相發暗;


1.The optimists see light in the dark. 樂觀的人在黑暗中看見光明。

2.The dark sun rises. 待到暗日昇起時。

3.After all, the dark woman resumed her conversation. 「畢竟」,深色皮膚的女子恢復了談話。


The woods are lovely, dark and deep, - 林子迷人 漆黑而深邃

We'd wait until dark and make a fire, - 我們等到天黑就升火,

Don't park your car in a dark street. - 不要把車停在黑暗的街道上。

With my heart in my boots, I went into the dark room. - 我戰戰兢兢地走進那黑洞洞的房間。

And go out into the open to watch all kinds of fireworks glittering everywhere in the dark sky. - 到外面去看夜空中絢爛多彩的焰火。

It was after dark when we got back,and we were all tired. - 我們回來時天已經黑了,並且我們都很疲倦。

My book has a dark blue cover. - 我的書有一個深藍色的封面。

It's a dark town. - 這是一個黑暗的鄉鎮。

Rain comes after sunshine, and after a dark cloud, a clear sky. - 晴日之後有雨水,烏雲過去見青天。

I looked out of the window.It was dark outside. - 我望望窗外,外面一片昏暗。

Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them. - 他們戴著墨鏡,穿著舊衣裳,特別小心以防別人認出他們。

The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. - 大幕拉開,最後一幕戲開演,貴族獨自一人坐在鐵窗後陰暗的牢房裡。

and of dark narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, - 和陰暗狹窄的街道組成

I like light green, but Lily prefers dark blue. - 我喜歡淡綠色,而莉莉卻更愛深藍色。

Professor Karl von Frisch, an Austrian scientist, spent many years of his life researching the amazing ways honey bees communicate in their dark hives. - 卡爾·馮·弗裡施教授,一位澳大利亞科學家,一生中花了許多年的時間來研究蜜蜂在暗巢裡互傳信息的有趣方法。


dark lip - 唇色紺

scanty and brownish urine; scanty dark urine - 小便短赤

dark urine - 小便黃赤

dark urine with burning sensation - 小溲熱赤

light and dark accommodometer - 明暗適應計

dark repair - 暗修復

n. dark field image - 暗區影像

dark reaction; n. dark reaction - 暗反應

n. dark field image - 暗場像

dark reactivation - 暗復活作用

dark reactivation - 暗復活化

dark chamber; dark room - 暗室

dark room ophthalmic lamp - 暗室檢眼燈

dark room lamp - 暗室照明燈

dark room test - 暗室試驗

a band; dark band - 暗帶

dark room - 暗房

n. dark spot - 暗斑

dark current - 暗電流

black red; dark red - 暗紅

dark fibers - 暗纖維

dark color - 暗色

dark field; dark ground; darkfield; darkground - 暗視野

adaptation to darkness; dark adaptation - 暗適應

dark adaptometer - 暗適應計

fluid sonolucent area; opaque dark area of fluid - 液性暗區

dark graeen; dark green - 碧綠

dark blue - 碧藍

cornea; dark ball of the eye - 神珠

dark tongue body - 舌質黯

cathode dark current - 陰極暗電流

dark reddish purple - 降紫

dark cell of collecting tubule - 集合小管暗細胞

the dark of the eye is associated with the liver - 黑睛屬肝


n.陰極暗電流 - cathode dark current

n.明暗適應計 - light and dark accommodometer

n.液性暗區 - opaque dark area of fluid

n.陰看能大 - pupil ilatation in the dark

n.小便短赤 - scanty dark urine

n.黑睛屬肝 - the dark of the eye is associated with the liver


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