





n. arse ,arsehole ,asshole


anus['einəs]n. 肛門


anus 肛門;肛門:;屁股眼;後庭;Imperforate Anus 肛門閉鎖;不通肛;無肛症;鎖肛;Anus Hospital 肛門醫院;prolapse anus 釋義:脫肛;incision anus 釋義:肛門切開術;


1.Insertion of the penis into the vagina or anus. 男子將陰莖插入女子陰道的動作。

2.Burn in closed proximity to the anus poses difficult wound care and high graft failure rate. 接近肛門部位的燒燙傷會使得傷口照顧困難及造成較高的移植失敗率。

3.The contacts between the calves and the cows concentrated on the anus region (4

8. 8%) and head region (2

5. 5%) of the calf. 母幼間的主要接觸方式是嗅和舔,母羚對幼仔的接觸主要集中於肛區(48。8%)和頭部(25。5%)。


anus vestibularis; vestibular anus - 前庭肛門

anus imperforatus; atresia ani - 肛門缺失

anus vestibularis; vulvovaginal anus - 陰道肛門


n.肛腺癌 - adenocarcinoma of anus

n.肛門大汗腺腺瘤 - apocrine adenoma of anus

n.人工肛門 - artificial anus

n.巴多林氏管口 - bartholins anus

n.肛門尖銳濕疣 - condyloma acuminatum of anus

n.先天性肛門缺失 - congenital absence of anus

n.先天性無肛 - congenital imperforated anus

n.提肛 - draw up the anus

n.肛門濕疹 - eczema of anus

n.腸子宮肛門 - entero-uterine anus

n.肛表皮樣癌 - epidermoid carcinoma of anus

n.肛門外結腸直腸吻合術 - external coloproctostomy of anus

n.肛門外括約肌 - external sphincter muscle of anus

n.肛纖維瘤 - fibroma of anus

n.纏腸漏,環肛漏 - fistula around the anus

n.前肛 - fore anus

n.肛出血 - hemorrhage of anus

n.平腸痔 - hemorrhoids close to the anus

n.擔腸痔 - hemorrhosids growing across the anus

n.不通肛,肛門閉鎖 - imperforate anus

n.感染性肛瘺 - infective fistula of anus

n.感染性肛門狹窄 - infective stricture of anus

n.肛門內括約肌 - internal sphincter muscle of anus

n.矢氣 - intestinal flatus from anus

n.肛門表皮內癌 - intraepidermal carcinoma of anus

n.肛門惡性黑色素瘤 - malignant melanoma of anus

n.膜樣肛門鎖切開術 - open of membranous atresia of anus

n.肛門乳頭狀瘤,肛乳頭狀瘤 - papilloma of anus

n.外傷後肛門狹窄 - post-traumatic stricture of anus

n.手術後肛門狹窄 - postoperative stricture of anus

人工肛門 - preternatural anus

n.陰道前庭肛門 - preternatural vestibular anus

n.鎖肛痔 - rectal carcinoma causing anus

n.肛孤立潰瘍 - solitary ulcer of anus

n.肛門括約肌 - sphincter off anus

n.腸癖 - spouting bleeding from anus

n.肛門鱗關細胞癌 - squamous cell carcinoma of anus

n.肛門狹窄 - stricture of anus

n.沿肛痔 - swelling around the anus

n.二陰 - the external urethral orifice and the anus

n.尿道肛門 - urethral anus

陰道口 - vaginal anus

n.前庭肛門 - vestibular anus

n.陰道肛門 - vulvovaginal anus

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