





v. empathise ,infer ,interpret ,realise


understand[,ʌndə'stænd]vt. 理解;懂;獲悉;推斷;省略vi. 理解;懂得;熟悉


understand 懂,理解;理解;瞭解;瞭解;fully understand 完全理解;understand trap 聰明;機警;But understand 但你必須瞭解;但你要明白;comprehend understand 理解;


1.He did not understand the importance of this question. 他不理解這個問題的重要性。

2.Do you see it?Do you understand? 你經常見到他嗎?)(你明白了嗎?

3.How to say you do not understand. 不理解的情況下你該如何講。


I can understand that. - 我們能理解。

I understand your feelings about it, Richard. - 我瞭解你對這種事的心情, Richard。

I understand Richard's feelings about it, Ellen. - 我瞭解Richard對此的感受, Ellen。

Now you understand my feelings, Susan. - 現在,你能理解我的感受了, Susan。

Susan, I understand you're in the toy business. Susan - 聽說 ,是在玩具業工作。

I never understand what you are talking about, maybe it's the language barrier. - 我從不知道你在說什麼,也許這就是語言障礙吧。

I got lost for two days and I couldn't find anyone who could understand me. - 我已經迷路兩天了,找不到一個人可以聽懂我的話。

I understand you used to be in the construction business, - 聽說你過去從事建築業

I understand what you're saying. - 我明白你說的意思。

I know you don't understand but you will just have to accept my opinion this time. - 我知道,你或許不能理解,但這次你必須接受我的意見。

I can't understand modern art, to me it look like rubbish. - 我不能理解現代藝術,對於我來說,那些東西簡直就是垃圾。

I can't understand a word anyone is saying. - 我一句也不明白他們在說什麼。

I still don't understand what you mean. - 我還是弄不懂你是什麼意思。

Sorry, I don't quite understand why... - 對不起,我不太理解為什麼…

When you understand the cultural background, you can better use the language. - 當你瞭解了文化背景,你就能更好地運用語言。

We have to maintain communication to understand each other. - 必須保持交流以求相互理解。

I understand completely. - 我完全理解。

He is good at reading and writing, but he wishes he knew how to understand and speak better. - 他的閱讀和寫作是強項,但他希望知道怎樣去理解和說得更好。

I understand that the majority of employees here are Chinese. - 我聽說僱員中的大多數是中國人。

I understand you are coming to work for us. - 我聽說你要來為我們工作。

I understand him to be a distant relation. - 我聽說他是我的一個遠房親威。

It will help me understand the point you are trying to make. - 這會幫助我瞭解你們的重點。

I'm sorry, but I didn't understand your question. Could you please restate it? - 對不起,你的問題我沒有理解,請你再說一遍好嗎?

I understand all your prices are on CIF basis. We'd rather have you quote us FOB prices. - 得知你方報的都是到岸價,希望能給我們報船上交貨價。

Please try to understand my position. - 請瞭解我的立場。

I am beginning to understand that my personality is very complicated. - 我開始明白自己的性格非常複雜。

Please speak slowly, so I can understand you. - 請慢慢地說,那樣我就能聽得懂你說的話了。

Judy is so reserved that it is hard to understand her. - 朱迪非常內向而木訥,因而很難使人瞭解她。

I know he will understand your letter. - 我知道他會明白我的信。

That is not good language which all understand not. - 不是人人都懂的語言不是好語言。

To really understand a man we must judge him in misfortune. - 要真正瞭解一個人,需在不幸中考察他。

I understand completely. - 我完全明白。

The man smiled pleasantly.He did not understand English! He spoke German.He was a tourist. - 這人友好地笑了笑。他不懂英語!他講德語。他是個旅遊者。

I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. - 我讀了幾行,但一個字也不懂。

The porter, however, could not understand me. - 然而搬運工卻不明白我的話。

Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. - 於是他說得慢了,可我還是聽不懂。

The English understand each other, but I don't understand them! Do they speak English? - 英國人之間相互聽得懂,可我卻不懂他們的話!他們說的是英語嗎?

Many people pretend that they understand modern art. - 有很多人裝成很懂現代藝術的樣子,

You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive. - 同時不能理解為什麼有人一見章魚就噁心。

Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture, for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the seasons. - 歷史學家迄今認為日曆是隨農業的問世而出現的,因為當時人們面臨著瞭解四季的實際需要,

It seems that man was making a real effort to understand the seasons 20,000 years earlier than has been supposed. - 看來人類早就致力於探索四季變遷了,比人們想像的要早20,000年。

his early audiences found it easy to understand and forgive, - 他的早期觀眾很容易接受,覺得應該原諒他,

A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him, - 一個年輕人看到日落,由於無法理解和表達日落在他心中喚起的激情,

There is no social problem it is more incumbent upon us to understand than this of the role of custom. - 而沒有任何一個社會問題比得上風俗的作用問題更要求我們對它理解。

but it is of a kind that, if he meets it, he can readily understand and deal with. - 但如果有這種情況,露營者也容易理解,知道如何對付,

I understand you want to increase your order. - 我知道你想增加訂購量。

It will help me understand the point you are trying to make. - 這會幫助我瞭解你們的重點。

I can't understand why he is being so selfish. He isn't usually like that. - 我不明白他此刻怎麼這麼自私。他平時不這樣。

Thanks to space satellites, the world itself is becoming a much smaller place and people from different countries now understand each other better. - 由於有了宇宙衛星,世界在變得小多了,來自不同國家的人現在彼此更瞭解了。

I can understand why. - 其原因我能理解。


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