





n. contagion ,transmission


infection[in'fekʃən]n. 感染;傳染;影響;傳染病


infection 感染;傳染;傳染病;傳染,感染;abortive infection 流產(性)感染;頓挫性感染;頓挫感染;流產(性)感染;nosocomial infection 院內感染;醫院感染;院內感染;醫院獲得性感染;cross infection 交叉感染;交叉傳染;交互感染;交 叉 傳 染;congenital infection 先天性感染;先天感染;


1.Objective TO understand the infection state of tuberculosis among AIDS patients. 目的瞭解艾滋病病人中肺結核病的感染情況。

2.One possible reason is that dust can affect the breathing system and people may be more open to infection. 原因之一可能是塵埃會影響呼吸系統以及人們的戶外活動多,因而感染病毒。

3.Complications can happen during an operation or after. For example, an infection might develop after surgery. 併發症可能發生在手術中或手術後,例如,手術以後可能發生感染。


infection of upper urinary tract - 上泌尿道感染

acute pyogenic infection of rightbuttock - 下馬痛

acute pyogenic infection of finger tip - 代指

infection immunity - 傳染免疫

entry of infection portal of infection; portal of entry - 傳染入口

infection of incisional wound - 切口感染

tessur infection dose - 半數組織感染量

repeated infection syndrome - 反覆感染綜合征

infection of the respiratory - 呼吸道感染

infection of the heel - 土栗

infection of external aiditory meatus - 外耳道感染

infection with swollen head; infection withswollenhead - 大頭瘟

infection of female genital organ - 女性生殖器官感染

infection of skin during pregnancy - 妊娠瘡瘍

pyogenic infection of skin in infants - 嬰幼瘡瘍

acute infection of scrotum - 急性阻囊感染

acute infection of tunica vaginalis - 急性鞘膜感染

abscess of the upper palate; abscess of uvula; acute pyogenic infection of perineum - 懸癰

infection rate - 感染率

infection cell - 感染細胞

infection prevention - 感染預防

slow-virus infection of brain - 慢病毒腦感染

infection after tonsillectomy; post-tonsillectomic infection - 扁桃體切除後感染

vincents infection of tonsil - 扁桃體奮森氏感染

infection of tonsil - 扁桃體感染

asyptomatic tuberculous infection of tonsil - 扁桃體隱性結核

pyogenic infection of the back - 手發背

infection on the palm - 手心毒

acute pyogeric infection of hands and feet - 手足部疔瘡

acute pyogenic infection of the hands and feet - 手足部疔皰

infection of thenar space - 手部魚際間隙感染

infection of thenar space - 掌間隙感染

mycotic infection of bronchus - 支氣管真菌感染

mammary infection of newborn - 新生兒乳腺感染

infection of newborn - 新生兒感染

infection of digestive canal - 消化道感染

viral infection of salivary gland - 涎腺病毒感染

infection of burn - 燒傷感染

infection of canine fossa - 犬齒窩感染

the infection and spreading of epidemic diseases - 疫癘的傳染與流行

viral infection of upper respiratory tract - 病毒性上呼吸道感染

atypical mycobacteria infection of skin - 皮膚非典型分支桿菌感染

infection of amniotic cavity - 羊膜腔感染

suppurative infection of ear - 耳內瘡

suppurative infection behind ear; suppurative infection behind the ear - 耳後發疽

auricular infection; infection of auricle - 耳郭感染

purulent infection of the hypochondrium - 脅肋疽

early stage of pyogenic infection of skin; painful swelling on the body surface - 腫瘍

mycotic infection of stomach - 胃真菌感染

alimentary infection; infection of gastrointestinal - 胃腸道感染


n.頓挫型感染 - abortive infection

n.放線菌感染 - actinomycotic infection

n.急性傳染;n.急性傳染,急性感染 - acute infection

n.急性阻囊感染 - acute infection of scrotum

n.急性鞘膜感染 - acute infection of tunica vaginalis

n.代指 - acute pyogenic infection of finger tip

n.懸癰 - acute pyogenic infection of perineum

n.下馬痛 - acute pyogenic infection of rightbuttock

n.手足部疔皰 - acute pyogenic infection of the hands and feet

n.手足部疔瘡 - acute pyogeric infection of hands and feet

n.急性泌尿道感染 - acute uninary tract infection

急性上一下氣道炎 - acute upper-lower respiratory infection

n.急性上呼吸道感染 - acute upper respiratory infection

n.腺病毒感染 - adenovirus infection

n.空氣傳染 - aerial infection

需氧菌感染 - aerobic infection

輸入感染症 - afferent infection disease

n.空氣傳染 - air-borne infection

空氣感染 - airborne infection

n.胃腸道感染 - alimentary infection

羊水感染症 - amniotic fluid infection disease

羊膜感染 - amniotic infection

厭氧性感染 - anaerobic infection

n.肛門直腸感染 - anorectal infection

n.顯性傳染 - apparent infection

n.吸入性感染 - apsiration infection

節肢動物媒介感染 - arthropod-borne infection

n.節肢動物傳染 - arthropodborne infection

n.人工傳染 - artificial infection

n.上行性感染 - ascending infection

無症狀感染 - asymptomatic infection

n.扁桃體隱性結核 - asyptomatic tuberculous infection of tonsil

n.皮膚非典型分支桿菌感染 - atypical mycobacteria infection of skin

n.耳郭感染 - auricular infection

細菌性眼感染症 - bacterial eye infection

n.細胞菌感染,細菌性感染 - bacterial infection

膽管感染 - biliary tract infection

血液病合併重症感染症 - blood dyscrasia complication infection

牛呼吸合胞體病毒感染 - bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection

n.頰間隙感染 - buccal cavity infection

n.機遇性肺部感染 - casual pulmonary infection

n.傳染原因 - cause of infection

母兒感染 - child and maternal infection

短桿菌感染症 - Chlamydia infection

衣原體感染 - chlamydial infection

慢性複雜性尿路感染症 - chronic complex urinary tract infection

n.慢性感染 - chronic infection

n.慢性反覆發作性病毒感染 - chronic recurrent viral infection

n.慢性陰囊感染 - chronic scrotum infection

n.慢性泌尿道感染 - chronic urinary tract infection


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