





n. talk


talking['tɔ:kiŋ]adj. 說話的,多嘴的;有表情的n. 講話,談論v. 談論;講話(talk的ing形式)


Talking 內心說話;通話;談話;說話的;Modern Talking 摩登語錄合唱團;摩登語錄;摩登談話;摩登語錄;TALKING HEADS 傳聲頭像;臉部特寫合唱團;說話頭;談話頭;talking key 通話電鍵;通話鍵;講話鍵;talking beacon 音響指示信標;


1.The boys are talking about the new bike. 男孩子們正在談論那輛新自行車。

2.No talking in class. 上課中禁止講話。

3.Helen and sandy are talking about their friends. 海倫和桑迪正在談論她們的朋友。


May I ask who I am talking to? - 請問你是誰?

Nice talking to both of you. - 很高興與兩位交談。

It's been very nice talking to you. - 很高興與你交談。

Nice talking to you, sir. - 我也很高興與您交談 ,先生。

So, what were you two talking about? - 你們倆剛才談什麼了?

and he kept talking about having a house of our own. - 他老說要有自己的家。

We're talking about buying - 我們在商量購買

You're talking about a lot of money. - 你們談的可是一大筆錢。

I have been talking to a group of salesmen - 我一直在與一群推銷人員談話

I never understand what you are talking about, maybe it's the language barrier. - 我從不知道你在說什麼,也許這就是語言障礙吧。

I give up, I don't know what you're talking about. - 我投降了,我一直都聽不懂你在說什麼。

you know how Dad is always talking about - 知道爸爸時常談起

But your daddy and I are talking about something - 但你爸爸和我正在討論一件事,

I know. I heard you talking about it - 我知道。我聽到你們談論的那件事了,

But we can't do it without talking to the young people. - 但我們不能在沒有跟年輕人談談的情 下就去做。

Nice talking to you. See you around. - 和你談得很愉快。 回頭見。

It's been great talking to you. - 和你談得真高興。

Do you know what I'm talking about? - 知道我講的是什麼嗎?

That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. - 那跟我說的事情沒有關係。

What are you talking about? - 你在說什麼呀?

You don't know what you are talking about. - 你不知道你在說什麼。

I really enjoyed talking with you. - 很高興和你聊天。

Forgive my ignorance, But what exactly are you talking about? - 請原諒我的孤陋寡聞,你說的到底是什麼?

I enjoyed meeting and talking to you, and sharing the time together. - 見到了你們大家,我們一起交談共度時光。

We can spend hours talking about computers. - 我們可以花些時間一起聊聊電腦。

What are you talking about? - 你在說些什麼?

I turned off when they started talking about computers. - 當他們談論計算機時,我失去了興趣。

I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about. - 我一點也不知道你在說些什麼。

When I saw Mr. Jones,he was talking with John Smith. - 當我看見瓊斯先生時,他與約翰·史密斯正在談話。

While we were having breakfast,John was talking on the telephone. - 當我們正在吃早餐時,約翰正在打電話。

What are you doing talking to my girl friend? - 你小子跟我的女人搭訕,居心何在呀?

What are you talking about? - 你正在講什麼?

Why are you talking so far? - 你為什麼說得這樣快?

What are you talking about? - 你在說什麼?

You know what I'm talking about. - 我想你知道我在說什麼。

Betty and Susan are talking on the telephone. - 貝蒂和蘇珊正在通電話。

They stopped talking when their boss came in. - 當老闆進來的時候;他們停止了交談。

His vanity was hurt by their talking so frankly. - 他們坦率的談話傷害了他的虛榮心。

Hi! You guys keep talking so loudly that I have to speak at the top my voice! - 哎!你們一直這樣大聲講話,我都不得不扯著嗓子說話了。

I don't know what you're talking about. - 我不知道您在說些什麼。

They were talking loudly. - 大聲地說著話。

Mrs.Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. - 布拉班特太太現在正和負責通心粉加工的當地加工廠的經理交談。

While they were talking it began to rain and Dimitri stayed in Aleko's house until the rain stopped. - 就在他倆說話的時候,天下起了雨,迪米特裡便呆在阿列科家裡避雨,一直等到雨停為止。

'Oh, that,' he said with a smile as if he were talking about an old friend. - 「噢,是它呀!他笑著說道,儼然在談論一位老朋友。

It took him four years to stage this elaborate joke simply to prove that critics do not always know what they are talking about. - 他花了4年時間策劃這出精心設計的鬧劇,只是想證明評論家們有時並不解他們所談論的事情。

Two hours later, I was talking angrily to the station master at Westhaven. - 兩小時後,我氣呼呼地同威斯特海溫站站長說起此事。

He is forever talking about the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living. - 他滔滔不絕地大談友好的農民,潔淨的空氣,貼近大自然的環境和悠閒的生活節奏。

People are always talking about 'the problem of youth'. - 人們總是在談論「青年問題」。

Nice talking to you. - 很高興與你聊天。

Who do you think you're talking to? - 你以為你在跟誰說話?

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