tittles['titl]n. 一點;微量;微小
Appendix 1 All Kinds ofJob Tittles 附錄 1 :常見職務名稱;
1.To some extent, the fine translation of film tittles can even raise the whole film's commercial value. 電影名的佳譯在某種程度上甚至可以使整部電影的商業價值得到提升。
2.This week in our foreign students series Foreign Student Series, we discuss Academic Tittles academic titles in American higher education. 在這周我們的留學生系列裡,我們會討論在美國高等教育裡的學位頭銜。
3.Some were Classics Illustrated (bad), some were Donald Ducks (good), and a great many were E. C. tittles such as Tales from the Crypt and Tales from the Vault (best of all). 有些是古典寫真(不匝地),有的是唐老鴨(不錯),大多數是教育漫畫公司的書比如《地下室怪談》和《地窖怪談》(最好的一部)。