Energizer Bunny 勁量兔;coldness middle energizer 釋義:中寒;asthenic coldness triple energizer 釋義:三焦虛寒;Time-Lock Energizer Emulsion 時光鎖活性育膚乳;Energizer Solar Recharger 勁量太陽能充電器;
1.Objective: To test the effect of Radix Astragali seu Hedysari Decoction for warming the Middle Energizer (RA) on SP and VIP in the ileum of rats with deficiency of spleen-yang. 目的:研究黃芪建中湯對脾陽虛證大鼠迴腸P物質(SP)、血管活性腸肽(VIP)的影響,闡明黃芪建中湯治療脾陽虛證的某些作用機理。
2.Objective: To test the effect of Radix Astragali seu Hedysari Decoction for warming the Middle Energizer (RA) on SP and VIP in the ileum of rats with deficiency of spleen-yang. 目的:研究黃芪建中湯對脾陽虛證大鼠迴腸P物質(SP)、血管活性腸肽(VIP)的影響,闡明黃芪建中湯治療脾陽虛證的某些作用機理。
3.Prior to being launched, each torpedo passed through a resonance energizer that activated the shell. The torpedoes were then launched from a dish-shaped torpedo projector at the bottom of the craft. 在發射前,每一枚魚雷都要通過一部諧振能量強化器以激活諧振子殼體,接著便從位於飛行器底端的碟形發射口處發射出去。
心理興奮劑,精神興奮藥 - psychic energizer