incalculablyadv. 無數地;不可勝數地
incalculably 無數地;不可勝數地;無法計數地;不可計算;
1.Three forces are combining with deadly effect on the Indian Ocean island, which is incalculably rich in wildlife but impoverished in basic infrastructure. 馬達加斯加,這個野生動物資源無比豐富但基礎建設薄弱的印度洋島嶼國家,還受到三股力量的致命影響。
2.Far from being some dreamy call to kum-by-ya, collective political action is the single biggest reason your life is incalculably better than your great-grand-parents'. 和渴望美好社會從天而降的夢囈之語完全不同,集體政治行動是你的生活遠比你曾祖父輩要好得多的一個最主要的原因。
3.For they were already heroes, when the Japanese war started, veterans of many a hard-fought campaign in the civil war where the odds had been incalculably against them. 當抗日戰爭爆發時,他們已是久經沙場的英雄好漢;在那內戰的艱苦歲月裡,在敵我力量懸殊的極不利的形勢下,他們曾身經百戰。