





n. reduction


reducingn. 減低;減輕體重法,減肥法v. 減少(reduce的ing形式)


reducing 減低;減輕體重法;簡化;還原;reducing sugar 還原糖;還原糖;還原醣;還原reducing atmosphere 還原性氣氛;運原性蒙氣;還原氣層;還原性蒙氣;reducing flame 還原焰;還原性火焰;Reducing provisions 沖減準備金;


1.Reducing the probability and/or impact of a risk to an acceptable level. 將風險的發生概率和/或影響降低到一個可接受的水平。

2.I have rich experience in strengthening the finance base, standardizing the accounting and reducing the costs. 在企業財務方面對強化基礎、規範核算、降低相關成本有豐富的經驗;

3.Mixer nesting mixing time and the automatic control, to improve the production environment, reducing the labor intensity and improve product quality. 混合機混合時間和排料的自動控制,改善了生產環境,降低了勞動強度,提高了產品質量。


strengthening the spleen and reducing phlegm - 健脾化痰

n. gloss reducing agent - 光澤還原劑

cold-warm reinforcing reducing method; cold-warm reinforcing-reducing method - 涼熱補瀉法

reducing valve - 減壓閥

maiosis; meiosis; miosis; reducing division; reduction division - 減數分裂

reducing diet - 減重飲食

arresting acid regurgitation and reducing phlegm - 制酸化痰

reducing pharyngeal swelling; relieving sore-throat and diminishing swelling - 利咽消腫

reducing phlegm and resolving masses - 化痰散結

n. gloss reducing agent - 去光劑

reducing fever by reconciliation - 和解退熱

open-close reinforcing reducing method; open-close reinforcing-reducing method - 開合補瀉法

causing resuscitation and reducing phlegm - 開竅化痰

n. stretch reducing mill - 張拉減薄軋機

n. strong reducing roasting - 強還原焙燒

total plasma reducing substance - 總血漿還原物

removing stasis and reducing phlegm - 散壅化痰

dispersing accumulation of pathogen; dispersing taccumulation of pathogen; dissolving lumps; expel stagnatin; reducing the stagnation; resolue masses - 散結

normal reducing solution - 標準還原溶液

standard reducing potential - 標準還原電位

relieving cough and reducing sputum - 止咳化痰

purging and reducing remedies - 瀉下攻削藥

turbidity reducing unit - 濁度還原單位

reducing fever; resolving heat - 清熱

reducing fever and causing diuresis - 清熱利尿

warming the lung and reducing phlegm - 溫肺化痰

n. fusion reducing treatment - 熔化還原處理

with the reducing method - 用瀉法

n. sulfate reducing bacteria - 硫化物還原細菌

viscosity reducing unit; viscosityreducingunit - 粘度減低單位

n. reducing press - 縮口壓力機

arresting polyuria; reducing urination - 縮尿

reinforcing and reducing method - 補瀉

prescription for reducing fever - 解熱劑

reducing; reducing agent; reductant - 還原劑

reducing disaccharides - 還原性二糖

n. reducing tubemaking - 還原性制管法

n. reducing gas - 還原性煤氣

reducing property - 還原性質

reducing acid radical - 還原性酸根

n. reducing extractive metallurgy - 還原提煉冶金學

reducing potential; reduction potential; n. reduction potential - 還原電位

n. reducing slag - 還原碴

reducing end - 還原端

reducing sugar; reducing suger; revertose - 還原糖

reducing power - 還原能力

n. reducing extractive metallurgy - 還原萃取冶金學

reducing enzyme; reductase - 還原酶

reduce fever due to deficiency of qi; reducing fever due to deficiency of qi - 退虛熱

einforing and reducing in acupuncture therapy; reniforcing and reducing in acupuncture therapy - 針刺補瀉


n.制酸化痰 - arresting acid regurgitation and reducing phlegm

n.開竅化痰 - causing resuscitation and reducing phlegm

n.涼熱補瀉法 - cold-warm reinforcing reducing method

n.針刺補瀉 - einforing and reducing in acupuncture therapy

鐵氧還蛋白還原物質,鐵氧化還原蛋白還原物質 - ferredoxin reducing substance

n.標準還原溶液 - normal reducing solution

n.開合補瀉法 - open-close reinforcing reducing method

n.解熱劑 - prescription for reducing fever

減少肺疾病性肺血管層 - pulmonary vascular floor reducing lung disease

n.瀉下攻削藥 - purging and reducing remedies

n.補瀉 - reinforcing and reducing

n.補瀉 - reinforcing and reducing method

n.止咳化痰 - relieving cough and reducing sputum

n.散壅化痰 - removing stasis and reducing phlegm

n.針刺補瀉 - reniforcing and reducing in acupuncture therapy

n.標準還原電位 - standard reducing potential

n.健脾化痰 - strengthening the spleen and reducing phlegm

n.補瀉手法 - the methods of reinforcing and reducing

n.總血漿還原物 - total plasma reducing substance

n.濁度降低 - turbidity reducing

n.濁度還原單位 - turbidity reducing unit

n.降低粘性裝置,粘度減低單位 - viscosity reducing unit

n.溫肺化痰 - warming the lung and reducing phlegm

n.用瀉法 - with the reducing method

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