auditoriumsn. 聽眾席(auditorium的複數形式)
auditoriums 聽眾席;觀眾席;
1.And Xiaoshan Auditoriums are representative of these auditoriums, which have actually been the multifunctional cultural centers of the towns in Xiaoshan. 而蕭山會堂則是這一類會堂中的典型代表,它們在實際上成為了蕭山各個集鎮的多功能文化聚會中心。
2.Capitalizing on the large audiences JATP attracted, Granz insisted on a guarantee from promoters that there would be no "Colored" signs in the auditoriums. 憑藉著JATP樂團吸引的大量觀眾,葛蘭茲堅持黑人百人不需分開坐席。
3.This makes the PT-D5600U ideal for conference rooms, auditoriums, theaters, and houses of worship where you're making more than a presentation -- you're making a difference. 這做PT-D5600U理想為會議室, 觀眾席, 劇院, 並且教堂,您比介紹做更多 -- 您產生變化。