ragout['ræɡu:, ræ'ɡu:]n. 蔬菜燉肉
ragout (法)蔬菜燉肉;蔬菜燉肉;濃味蔬菜燉肉片;燴肉;Pork Ragout 奶油燴豬柳;Lamb ragout 法式紅酒燴羊肉;Grilled US Beef Fillet with Mixed Mushroom Ragout 扒美國牛柳扒雜菌汁;Stewing Sliced Veal with Mixed Mushroom Ragout and Tuna Fish 雜菌吞拿魚燴牛仔扒;
1.ragout of game in a rich sauce. 用豐富的沙司調味的菜燉野味。
2.and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout. 而且我毫不懷疑,將這樣的小孩做成燉肉丁或菜燉肉都會一樣美味。
3.Slow cooked meat and vegetable dishes are popular, taking the form of casserole or stew in the US, a ragout in France, or a goulash, the traditional stew of Hungary, in Eastern Europe. 精心烹製的肉食以及蔬菜很受人們歡迎。在東歐人們喜歡的菜式有:美國的蒸鍋菜或燉菜,法國的法式雜燴,匈牙利的傳統燉菜——菜燉牛肉。