unmaturedadj. 未熟的
unmatured 未熟的;未到期;unmatured transaction 未到期交易;unmatured debt 未到期債務;unmatured liabilities 未到期負債;unmatured debts 未到期債務;未到剘債務;
1.So instead, researchers led by Hananel Holzer removed unmatured egg cells from the woman's aries and used hormones to coax them to maturity in the laboratory. 所以,由HananelHolzer領銜的研究者們從這名女性的卵巢內取走未成熟的卵細胞,並在實驗室中利用激素來促進它們的成熟。
2.Addiction to internet computer game has become a serious social problem. This paper analysizes reasons such as the unmatured body and mind and the social environment. 青少年網絡電子遊戲成癮已成為突出的社會問題,其原因與青少年身心發育不成熟和社會環境有關。
3.In the process of unmatured modern management, the idea of quantification, externalism and efficiency existing in the modern management , has shown its developing superiority. 現代管理中的數量化、外在化與時效性觀念,在尚未成熟的現代化管理進程中,已經顯示出它的發展優勢。