





a. speedy


rapid['ræpid]adj. 迅速的,急促的;飛快的;險峻的n. 急流;高速交通工具,高速交通網


rapid 迅速的;快的;快速的;瑞特;Rapid Pulse 快脈;數脈;速脈;rapid deterioration 迅速變質;rapid flow 急流;快速逕流;射流;急流,射流;rapid response 快速反應;快速回應;快速響應;迅速反應;


1.An avalanche is a sudden and rapid flow of snow often mixed with air and water down a mountainside. 一場雪崩是從山腰上塌落的一次突然和迅速的常常混合了空氣和水的雪流。

2.Explants are also a means of plant propagation, producing clones and offering a more rapid means of multiplication than seed production. 組織培養也是一種植物繁殖方式,它產生剋隆,提供一種比種子發芽更為快速的增殖方法。

3.So far, the fastest and best way to be using floating vegetation pyrolysis oxygen carbonization process, the rapid carbonization of crop straw. 目前為止,最快最好地方法,應該是利用草木高溫分解浮氧碳化工藝,快速炭化農作物秸稈。


rapid rotating-bscanner with two transducer - 雙探頭快速旋掃式B型儀

rapid aynchronizing wave - 同步化快波

achypnea; rapid breathing - 呼吸促迫

weils rapid staining method - 外爾氏快速染色法

rapid massive transfusion - 大量快速輸血

strong balanced rapid type - 強均衡迅速型

taut and rapid pulse; wiry and rapid pulse - 弦數脈

rapid filling wave of ventricle - 心室快速充盈波

rapid filling fraction - 快充盈分數

rapid filling wave time - 快充盈波動時間

rapid filling rate - 快充盈率

rapid filling velocity - 快充盈速率

rapid sand filter - 快沙濾

rapid filtration - 快濾

rapid eye movement; rapideyemovement - 快眼球運動

rapid eye movement sleep; rapideyemovementsleep - 快眼運動-睡眠

rapid eye movement sleep; rapideyemovementsleep - 快眼運動睡眠

rapid filling phase - 快速充盈期

n. rapid solidification - 快速凝固法

rapid analysis - 快速分析

n. rapid solidification - 快速固化

n. rapid solidification processing - 快速固化加工

n. rapid soldification processing - 快速固化處理

n. rapid solidification technology - 快速固化技術

n. rapid solidification process - 快速固化過程

rapid ejection phase - 快速射血期

rapid atrial pacing - 快速心房起搏

n. rapid excavation - 快速挖空

rapid radioimmunoassay - 快速放射免疫測定

rapid staining - 快速染色

rapid plasma reagin card test for syphilis - 快速梅毒血漿反應素卡片試驗

n. rapid quenching alloy - 快速淬火合金

rapid lysis - 快速溶菌

n. rapid thermal anneal - 快速熱退火

rapid eye movement; rapideyemovement - 快速眼運動

rapid paraffin embedding - 快速石蠟包埋法

n. rapid isothermal annealing - 快速等溫退火

n. rapid thin layer - 快速薄層

rapid plasma reagin - 快速血漿反應素

rapid diagnosis - 快速診斷

rapid filtering funnel - 快速過慮漏斗

rapid eye movement sleep; rapideyemovementsleep - 快速運動睡眠

rapid seriography - 快速連續攝片

rapid sequence intravenous pyelogram - 快速連續靜脈腎盂造影

n. rapid calcination - 快速鈣化

n. rapid anodizing process - 快速陽極化法

rapid degradation - 快速降解

rapid change - 急劇變化

rapid decompression - 急速減壓

pulse counting; rapid pulse - 數脈


A型鏈球菌診斷法 - A-type streptococcus rapid diagnosis method

n.離經脈 - abnormally rapid or slow pulse

n.舒張早期心室快速充盈波 - early diastolic rapid filling waveof ventricle

n.速刺法 - method of rapid insertion of the needle

n.淺速呼吸 - shallow and rapid respiration

n.強均衡迅速型 - strong balanced rapid type

n.脈弦數或滑數 - taut and rapid or smooth and rapid pulse

n.弦數脈 - taut and rapid pulse

n.脈細數,細數脈 - thready and rapid pulse

n.脈動數 - tremulous and rapid pulse

n.超聲快速扇形掃瞄儀 - ultrasonic rapid sector scanner

n.外爾氏快速染色法 - weils rapid staining method

n.脈數急,弦數脈 - wiry and rapid pulse


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