





n. 12 ,dozen ,xiia. 12 ,dozen ,xii


twelve[twelv]n. 十二;十二個num. 十二;十二個adj. 十二的;十二個的


TWELVE 幸好,幸好;既然你做不了決定,那麼,我做;早飯吃什麼?;心酸;Twelve Studio 演播室;Twelve Tables 十二表法》;十二銅表法;英語學習--十二表法》;十二表法;Chapter Twelve 風景名勝;線索分析法;青蛙王子;雪幻入學;WeeK Twelve 科技時代,人文關懷;科技時代,人文關懷;


1.A foot contains twelve inches. 一英尺等於十二英吋。

2.You love Twelve Oaks as I do. 你就像我一樣愛十二棵橡樹。

3.From eight to twelve is my busiest time. 從八點到十二點是我最忙的時間。


Remind me to leave at twelve forty-five. - 提醒我十二點四十五分走。

When the clock strikes twelve at midnight. - 當午夜十二點的鐘聲敲響時。

At twelve o'clock midnight people blow horns, yell, and kiss each other to welcome in the New Year. - 到了午夜十二點,大家都吹吹喇叭、高聲喊叫、相互接吻來慶祝新年。

but Mr.Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. - 但詹姆斯。斯科特先生未能為他新的汽車修理部搞到一部電話機,所以他買了只鴿子。

It would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time. - 再過20分鐘,大鐘將敲響12下。

sometimes as much as twelve feet in length. - 有時長達12英尺。

the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old, all washed down with coarse wine. - 食物是當地的乾酪和通常存放了一年之久的麵包,人們就著劣酒吞下這種食物。

At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. - 人體在12歲時是生命力最旺盛的時期。

Between twelve and eighty years we gradually lose this power; - 除在12歲至80歲之間,我們逐漸喪失這種能力。

an illness which at twelve would knock us over, - 使我們在12歲時病倒的疾病,

It's tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right? - 是明天12點吧?

It's twelve fifty-five. - 十二點五十五了。

I had several photographs of Clare Flower, and I picked out one interesting photograph of Clare aged twelve in an art class at school. - 我有幾張克萊爾·弗勞爾的照片,挑出了一張克萊爾12歲時在學校假期藝術課上拍的很有趣的照片。"


twelve well-points - 十二井穴

twelve kinds of prescriptions; twelvekinds of prescriptions - 十二劑

traditional twelve two-hour periods - 十二時

traditional twelve two-hour periods - 十二時辰

the twelve regular channels - 十二正經

the twelve cutaneous area; twelve skin areas - 十二皮部

twelve contraindications; twelvecontraindications - 十二禁

twelve regular channels - 十二經

sea of the twelve channels - 十二經之海

branches of the twelve regular channels - 十二經別

arteries of the twelve channels; arteries of the twelvechannels - 十二經動脈

muscles along the twelve regular channels - 十二經筋

twelve regular channels - 十二經脈

twelve internal organs - 十二髒

twelve joints - 十二節

twelve methods of needling - 十二節刺

traditional twelve two-hour periods - 時辰

regular channels; the twelve channels - 正經


n.十二經動脈 - arteries of the twelve channels

n.十二經別 - branches of the twelve regular channels

n.十二經筋 - muscles along the twelve regular channels

n.十二經之海 - sea of the twelve channels

n.正經 - the twelve channels

n.十二皮部 - the twelve cutaneous area

n.十二正經 - the twelve regular channels

n.十二時,時辰 - traditional twelve two-hour periods


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