





yourself[jɔ:'self, juə-, jə-]pron. 你自己


Yourself 自殺;你自己;成都市友善;別自以為是。;Know yourself 認識你自己;認識自己;認識你自己;解自己;Prove yourself 自我證明;證明自己;slave yourself 拯救自己;救自己;Coordinating Yourself 自我定位;


1.You know yourself better than I do. 你應該比我要更瞭解你自己。

2.Do you see yourself in this picture? 你可看見自己在這圖畫中麼?

3.If you fight for yourself, only you can win; when you fight for your marriage, you both win. 如果你只為自己而奮鬥,只有你自己能贏;當你為婚姻而奮鬥,你們倆都能贏。


Good afternoon. Make yourself at home. - 下午好。請隨便些。

Why do you consider yourself qualified for this job? - 為何你認為你自己符合這職位的資格?

Do you think you can make yourself understood in English? - 你認為你能用英文表達你的想法嗎?

Would you describe yourself as outgoing or more reserved? - 你認為你是個外向的人還是內向的人?

Don't stand on ceremony, make yourself at home. - 別客氣,隨便吃。

OK. Your offer si 5%. I think you have yourself of a deal. - 好的,你們降價5%,我們就這樣說定了。

Help yourself to celery and carrots and other vegetables. - 請你們自己盛芹菜, 胡蘿蔔 和其他蔬菜。

You've got yourself to think about, too. - 也得為自己著想。

for Max and for yourself too, Marilyn. - 為Max,也為你自己, Marilyn。

Wait till you see yourself jumping around. - 你等著看, 那到處亂蹦的樣子吧。

You'll send yourself to an early grave. - 你這樣會未老先衰的。

If you've been with someone for this length of time you'll have to ask yourself what reservations have I got? - 如果你和某人生活了這麼長時間,你得問一下自己,你對這段婚姻滿意嗎?

Sometimes, by buying something cheap now, you will be costing yourself more in the long run. - 有時候你花了很少錢買了便宜貨,但它日後可能要花掉更多的錢。

Did you enjoy yourself last weekend? - 上週末你過得開心麼?

You don't have to work yourself sick. - 你不必讓自己工作到病倒。

Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch. - 多多保重。別忘了保持聯繫。

Can you picture yourself on a boat, on a river? - 你能想像你自己泛舟河上的情景嗎?

Please make yourself at home. - 請隨意一點。

You will disgrace yourself if you dress in rags. - 假如你穿得邋邋遢遢的,你將有損自己的形象。

If they say you are good, ask yourself if it be ture. - 若有人稱讚你,要自問對不對。

If they say you are good,ask yourself if it be true. - 若有人稱讚,自問對不對。

Make yourself necessary to someone. - 使你有益於人。

Never think yourself above business. - 勿自視過高;不要眼高手低;永遠不要認為自己是大才小用。

Never think yourself above your business. - 切莫自視過高。

You're not yourself today. - 你今天不太對勁。

Come in and make yourself at home. - 請進,別客氣。

Take a seat please, make yourself at home. - 請坐,隨便一點。

Make yourself at home. - 請不要拘禮。

Can you adapt yourself to the new job? - 你能適應新的工作嗎?

You should always depend on yourself rather than someone else. - 你應該是依靠你自己,而不足別人。

If, however, you were holding an open air garden party or a fete it would be equally possible to insure yourself in the event of bad weather. - 如果你要舉辦一次露天遊園會或盛宴,為避免碰上不好的天氣而遭受損失也同樣可以保險,

If you recognize yourself in this description, - 如果你覺得你的情況是這樣的話,

if you put all of your money into Periwigs International,you're setting yourself up as a hostage to fortune. - 如果你把所有資金投入佩裡威格斯國際公司,你就把自己當成了命運的人質。

That's OK. Jim, you must look after yourself and keep healthy. - 行。吉姆,你要照顧好自己,保持身體健康。

Hello, Jim! Help yourself to a cake. - 你好,吉姆!請隨便吃糕點。

Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? - 夏洛克,如果你不寬恕別人,你自己怎能希望得到別人的寬恕呢?

To examine your skills and abilities still further, ask yourself this question: in the following three areas - skills with people, skills with information or skills with things - which are your best skills? Note that it is not enough to say to yourself, - 在與人交往,獲取信息或處理事務這三個方面的技能中,你最擅長哪方面的技能?注意如果你對自己說"我喜歡和人們在一起工作",這是不夠的,因為這是人性中的一部分。因此,重要的是考查帶給你極大滿足感的人際關係。例如,你也許善於勸說、指導、採訪、聆聽、教導或傳遞信息。


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