yow[jau]int. 驚訝時所發出的叫聲;哎唷,痛苦
yow 痛苦;驚訝時所發出的叫聲;渥太華;FELICIA YOW 弗瑞西亞·優;弗瑞西亞酚?;弗瑞西亞Ottawa YOW 加拿大Yow-Wen Hsieh 謝右文;T hee yow 斯卡朋克;
1.Yow will be more positive and more powerful! 你將變得更積極,更強大!
2.Noo! Please, Mommy, not Bare! ! OW! Yeeow! Oww! Noo! Not Bare-Bottom! ! It hurts YEOW! over my panties! YOW! It DOES! Pleeze pull them back up? Mama? 不要!媽媽,不要打光屁股!!噢!噢!不!不要光著屁股打!!會受傷的!讓我穿著褲子吧!噢!要打傷屁股了!求您讓我穿上褲子?媽媽?
3.Lee Kuan Yow, Prime Minister of Singapore, a man of singular intelligence and judgment and a true friend of the United States, interrupted a meeting of Commonwealth heads of government. 新加坡總理李光耀--一個才華出眾,見識過人的人,一位美國的摯友--中斷了一次英聯邦政府首腦會議。