Chambertin 香貝坦紅葡萄酒(勃艮第酒的一種);GEVREY CHAMBERTIN 香貝天;Griotte-Chambertin 格厚斯.香柏壇;Gevery-Chambertin 尚貝坦;Chambertin Clos de Beze 香柏壇;香柏壇(貝日園);
1.Gevrey-Chambertin wines are deep-colored. Possess intense aromatic bouquet reminiscent of blackcurrant and other red and black berries. 長波紅葡萄酒顏色深紅香氣:具有黑醋栗和其它紅色和黑色漿果的濃郁香味。
2.The location of the vineyard is crucial in Gevrey-Chambertin. The red wines - red wine only in Gevrey Chambertin - range from just average to supreme. 它的葡萄種植園在香貝丹至關重要。它只釀造紅酒,等級從一般的到特級的。
3.This Chambertin is a dark ruby, slightly grilled by its new barrel, impregnated with violet, this wine adds a solid robustness to exceptionally delightful tannins. 此酒呈現迷人的深寶石紅色,散發著濃郁的紫羅蘭花香,口感活躍,其單寧非常可口怡人,讓人愛不釋手。