SECORabbr. 距離連續校正(Sequential Collation of Range)
SECOR 作用範圍順序校核方式;西科爾美國測地衛星;Kyle Secor 凱爾·塞柯爾;SECOR observation 塞可爾觀測;secor equatorial network 塞可爾赤道網;
1.To prove that cooking actually does save energy, Wrangham partnered with Stephen Secor, a University of Alabama biologist who studies the evolutionary design of the digestive system. 為了證明熟食真的可以節省能量,藍翰與阿拉巴馬大學的生物學家塞科(StephenSecor)合作,塞科研究的是消化系統的演化設計。
2.So the hypothesis is that one of the things that may contribute to the more intense nature of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa is the presence of these parasitic worms, " Secor added." 從而有一個假說,肯定有某種因素使得撒哈拉以南非洲HIV/AIDS具有很強烈的感染特性,這個假說就是由於出現這些寄生蟲。
3.This may confirm suspicions that parasitic worm infections like those common in parts of sub-Saharan Africa with unsanitary water supplies make people more vulnerable to HIV, Secor said. 這有可能確認那個疑惑,遭受寄生蟲感染的那些位於撒哈拉以南非洲的相同地區,加上人們引用了不衛生的水,就使得當地人對HIV更加易感。