campus wear school children's uniform school child's suit school wear 學生裝;campus wear school children's uniform school child's suit school wear 學生裝;campus wear school children's uniform school child's suit school wear 學生裝;School age 學齡期;學齡期:;教齡;入學年齡;school-age 學齡兒童;
1.This age can be natural age, physiology age, can be psychological age more. 這年齡可以是自然年齡、生理年齡,更可以是心理年齡。
2.this age can be natural age, physiological age, but also psychological age. 這年齡可以是自然年齡、生理年齡,更可以是心理年齡。
3.If the old school scold sold The school coal scuttle, The school should scold And scuttle the old school scold. 如果學校守舊派賣掉了學校的煤鬥,學校將責罵並解散學校守舊派。
4.Youth, is the tree-like Maxine Hong Kingston's age, a white pony like the age, like the wings of petrels age. 青春,是亭亭綠樹般的年齡,白色小馬般的年齡,海燕的翅膀般的年齡。
5.Sometimes I wondered why people said that I looked like 3
6. 36 is around what we called "middle age" and middle age simply means when your age starts to show around your middle. 有時候我不禁懷疑為什麼大家要說我看起來像36歲,36歲正好是大家所說的「中年」,中年簡單的說就是你的年齡開始顯現在你身體的中段。
school-age children - 學齡兒童