





a. interpreted


a. given


taken['teikn, 'teikən]v. 拿,帶(take的過去分詞)


taken 拿走;颶風營救;可以;劫持;courses taken 所修的課程;學課程;所學課程 應屆生 就業網;所學課...;time taken 實際時間;taken on 承辦;承受;採取;taken altogether 大體;總而言之;整個來說;


1.Every really good spot is )already taken. 每一真的好斑點是)已經輪流。

2.But in a strange culture everything you know is taken away from you. 但是在一個陌生的文化裡,你所知道的一切都被拿走了。

3.But when we sum up our historical experience, we have to recognize that, taken as a whole, these practices have never played a positive role. 現在把歷史的經驗總結一下,不能不承認,這個「四大」的做法,作為一個整體來看,從來沒有產生積極的作用。


Don't worry about it. It's a taken of my appreciation for your business, and friendship. - 沒關係的。這是向你表示我們在生意及友誼上的一點心意。

Have you ever taken Cathay Pacific? - 你有沒有搭過國泰航空公司的班機?

The pictures you've taken are fabulous, Richard. - 你拍的照片太精采了, Richard。

Mrs. Ellen Stewart has taken an early lead. - Ellen Stewart太太初步領先。

having taken so much time away from your busy schedule. - 我在你忙碌的生活中用了這麼多時間。

Marriage is an institution not to be taken lightly. - 婚姻是個不能兒戲的體系。

Please remember this is not to be taken as final. - 請記得這不是最後的回答。

Measures should be taken to reinforce the cartons. - 應採取措施加固紙箱。

No. You should have taken the Yellow Line bus. You can get one at the next stop. - 不是。你該乘黃線車才是。到下一站你可以搭上。

Hello, Randy. Is he going to be taken care of? - 喂,藍迪,你肯把那傢伙收拾掉嗎?

For once, I haven't taken the wrong train! - 我從來不曾誤搭過一次列車。

Have you taken a bus? - 你坐過汽車嗎?

Have you taken a plane? - 你坐過飛機嗎?

Have you taken a train? - 你坐過火車嗎?

These clothes are too long , they need to be taken up. - 這些衣服太長了需要去改一下。

An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue. - 牛因有腳而被抓,人因有舌而遭殃。

An ox is taken by the horns,and the man by the tongue. - 牛因角被執,人因舌陷身。

Things rashly taken end as ill. - 草率從事沒有好結果。

'My dog had taken in into the garden.He often does this!' - 「我的狗把它弄到花園裡去了,他常幹這種事!」

By then, however, in many places the grass had already taken root. - 然而到那時,很多地方的草已經生了根。

Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special precautions so that no one should recognize them. - 他們戴著墨鏡,穿著舊衣裳,特別小心以防別人認出他們。

As there were strange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy, doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease. - 由於在給這個木乃伊拍攝的X光片子上有點奇怪的斑點,所以,醫生們一直試圖搞清這位婦女是否死於一種罕見的疾病。

On arriving in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train. - 一到英國,火車就把他們送到了水晶宮。

It broke down at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.' - 它在芬格林車站出了故障而被取消了。」

The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America. - 第二年,它被拆成若干小塊,運到美國。

When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. - 當倫敦動物園接到報告說,在倫敦以南45英里處發現一隻美洲獅時,這些報告並沒有受到重視。

The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer. - 由於橋身太長,設計者不得不考慮了地表的形狀。

they had escaped from the paper bag and had taken complete possession of the hall! - 它們從紙袋裡逃了出來,爬得滿廳都是!

A man who had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas. - 聖誕節前幾周,某人摔斷了右腿被送進醫院。

Pretending to speak seriously, one of the workmen asked if he might make a telephone call before being taken to the station. - 其中一個工人裝模作樣地問道,在被帶往警察局之前,是否可以打一個電話。

Though these large machines still exist, many of their functions have been taken over by small powerful personal computers, commonly known as PCs. - 雖然這種大計算機仍然存在,但它們的許多功能已被體積小但功能齊全的個人電腦——即我們常說的PC機——所代替了。

Only the Earth provides ideal conditions, and even here it has taken more than four billion years for plant and animal life to evolve. - 只有地球提供理想的條件,而即使在這裡,植物和動物的進化也用了40億年的時間。

I was only five when my father had taken me abroad, and that we eighteen years ago. - 我5歲那年,父親就帶我出了國,那是18年前的事了。

I decided that I must have taken a wrong turning somewhere. - 我想一定是什麼地方拐錯了彎兒。

Yet a great many processes depending on such research are sought for with complete secrecy until the stage at which patents can be taken out. - 然而,依賴這種研究的很多工藝程序是在完全保密的情況下進行的,直到可以取得專利權的階段為止。

because they are unwilling to have their names entered as having taken out such and such a book, - 因為它們不願讓人家記下它們公司的名字和借閱的某一本書。

Since that time, various types of hovercraft have appeared and taken up regular service. - 從那以後,各種各樣的氣墊船出現了,並開始了定期航行服務。

Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt, - 這種極端的事例雖不可全信,

Traditional custom, taken the world over, - 從世界範圍來看,傳統風俗

is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the vernacular of his family. - 就好像他本國語言的總詞彙量和自己咿呀學語時他家庭所接納的他的詞彙量之比。

Please remember this is not to be taken as final. - 請記得這不是最後的回答。

Have you taken his temperature? - 你給他量過體溫嗎?

Have you taken your medicine today? - 你今天吃藥了嗎?

Can you find her purse? If she's gone somewhere she will have taken it. - 你能找到她的錢包嗎?如果她去什麼地方她會帶著它的。

Just a minute. She's taken the bag that usually sits on top of the cupboard. - 等等。她帶走了通常放在壁櫥頂上的包。

And I can't find her passport anywhere. So she must have taken that too. - 而且我在哪都找不到她的護照,所以她一定也帶去了。

Wait, Shylock. The law of Venice says that if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of Venice, everything that he owns shall be taken away from him. - 等一等,夏洛克。威尼斯的法律規定任何企圖殺害或謀害任何威尼斯公民的人,他所有的一切必須被沒收。

A few days later about 140 black people were taken and put on a tall sailing ship waiting off the coast. - 幾天以後,大約140名黑人被帶到一艘停靠在海岸邊的大帆船上。

Once on the boat, they were taken bolow and their chains were fixed to two bars that ran the length of the ship. - 一上船,他們就被帶進底艙,他們的鐐銬就被拴在兩根從船的一頭伸到另一頭的鐵桿上。

When everyone had taken his/her place, the lawyer spoke as follows. - 當大家都入座以後,律師作了如下的發言


decoction to be taken at any time - 不拘時服

be taken cool; decoction to be taken cool - 冷服

be taken as lozenge - 宜含服

drug decoction is usually taken while it is warm - 湯劑一般是溫服

to be taken warm - 溫服

decoction to be taken hot; to e taken hot - 熱服

drugs to be decocted and taken as a drink - 煎水代茶飲

administraction of the drug on an empty stomach; be taken with an empty stomach; take before meals; to be taken on an empty stomach - 空腹服

The pulse can be taken on deep palpation - 該脈沉取應指

to be taken after mixing with liquid - 調服

to be taken with wine - 酒送服

decotion to be taken at a draught; draft - 頓服

take medicine in multiple doses; to be taken in small doses at short intervals - 頻服

to be taken before meal - 飯前服

to be taken after meal - 飯後服


n.宜含服 - be taken as lozenge

n.冷服 - be taken cool

n.空腹服 - be taken with an empty stomach

n.不拘時服 - decoction to be taken at any time

n.冷服 - decoction to be taken cool

n.熱服 - decoction to be taken hot

n.頓服 - decotion to be taken at a draught

n.湯劑一般是溫服 - drug decoction is usually taken while it is warm

n.煎水代茶飲 - drugs to be decocted and taken as a drink

n.該脈沉取應指 - The pulse can be taken on deep palpation

n.煎水代茶飲 - to be decocted and taken as a drink

n.飯後服 - to be taken after meal

n.調服 - to be taken after mixing with liquid

n.頓服 - to be taken at a draught

n.飯前服 - to be taken before meal

n.冷服 - to be taken cool

n.頻服 - to be taken in small doses at short intervals

n.空腹服 - to be taken on an empty stomach

n.溫服 - to be taken warm

n.酒送服 - to be taken with wine

n.熱服 - to e taken hot

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