unitable[ju:'nait]adj.unite1的變形vt. 使聯合;使結合;使合併: 例句:Several firms were united to form one company.把幾家商行合併成一個公司。使團結;使統一: 例句:The crisis of war united the whole country.戰爭的危機使全國團結起來。使結合;使結婚: 例句:to unite two families by marriage兩家聯姻They were united by Father Sandhaus.他們在桑德豪斯神甫的主持下結了婚。使接合;使粘合: 例句:They united the two pipes.他們把兩條管子連接在一起。使兼備,使同時具有(各種性質等): 例句:She unites the best qualities of a good wife and a tender mother.她同時具有賢妻和良母的最佳品德。vi. 團結;聯合接合;粘合;混合: 例句:Oxygen unites with hydrogen to form water.氧與氫結合而成水。同心協力;一致行動近義詞: join變形: united , uniting