espressos[e'spresəu]n.espresso的變形n. (用蒸汽加壓煮出的)意大利式黑咖啡,濃咖啡,蒸泡咖啡[亦作 espresso coffee]一杯濃咖啡(用蒸汽加壓的)煮濃咖啡器(供應濃咖啡的)咖啡館變形: espressos
1.Robert: That's fine. Two double espressos. And I like it strong. 羅伯:可以,那就來兩杯雙份的。我要濃一點。
2.After three espressos, I thought I would be buzzing round the room but I was firmly rooted to the floor. 三杯濃咖啡之後,我想我可能會有點暈眩,但我卻牢牢地立在了地板上。
3.A compact, functional and elegant espresso coffee machine that is ideal for those who love their espressos and cappuccinos prepared to professional standards; 愛麗莎作為一款精緻典雅,功能優異的濃咖啡機,無疑是那些熱衷於專業水準的濃咖啡和卡布其諾的人士的理想選擇。