esprit[es'pri:]n. (法)精神,才智;機敏
Esprit 埃斯普利特;詩捷;思捷環球;思捷;bel esprit 才子;esprit nouveau 新精神;台灣的新詩精神;ESPRIT 500 精神500;MOMADE ESPRIT 全棉女上衣-背心;
1.Volkswagen is there with a presentation that exudes passion and esprit. 大眾汽車攜帶散發著激情與勃勃生氣的禮物。
2.Hello! Now, I am collecting the public opinion about the brands of fashion-ESPRIT, Would you mind spending a few minutes to answer the questions, Thank You! 您好,本人已正進行一項關於公眾對時裝品牌ESPRIT的意見調查,容許閣下能花幾分鐘時間回答以下問題,謝謝!
3.It is this single minded pursuit of excellence, supported by strong ethos of team work and esprit de corps, that sustain them until their mission is accomplished. 正是這樣一心一意追求卓越,加上強大的齊心合力的團隊精神,支撐著他們的奮鬥,直至達到目標。