sendee[sen'di:]n. 收件人,接收人
1.With the development of the company. SenDee Wine has finished the reform from a big family enterprise to a modern joint-stock company. 森帝酒具有限公司隨著企業的發展,逐步完成了從家族式企業向現代股份制企業轉變的改革歷程;
2.SenDee Wine Utensil CO. , LTD was built in the city of Qitaihe, Helongjiang in 199
6. Qitaihe——a beautiful city, is also called "the Capital of coal". 森帝酒具有限公司始建於1996年,座落在風景秀麗的「煤焦之都」——黑龍江省七台河市。
3.In order to maximize the benefit of the investment on the capital construction, solution and frequendy used techniques should be adopted aiming at problems existing in the sendee… 應針對高校基建工程結算審計中出現的主要問題,採取切實可行地解決途徑及技巧,讓基建投資發揮最佳的經濟效益。